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letter / Ireland's right to Independence, 1917

Sheet of linen, 16 inches by 14 inches, inscribed with a message urging Ireland's right to Independence, signed by 26 political prisoners released in 1917 and addressed to the President and Congress of the United States. Dated Dublin, June 18, 1917. The sheet was linen handkerchief starched stiff by Mrs. Kitty O'Docherty (now of 30, Claude Road, Dublin) and inscribed in ink with the message by Seamus O'Docherty, then President or Secretary of the Supreme Council of the I.R.B. and living at 32, Connacht Street, Dublin. It was signed by the 26 newly released prisoners, at the headquarters of the National Aid Association, Exchequer Street, Dublin. The starch was then removed and the sheet was inserted by Mrs. Kitty O'Docherty in the lining of the waistcoat which was intended to be worn by Dr. Patrick McCartan who was to go as envoy to America. It was brought to America by Dr. McCartan. In 1948 (1947?) it was discovered among the Devoy papers by Mr. Frank Robbins. See press cutting in file.;

Ireland's right to Independence, 1917

Object Number:




Place of production:
Dublin (city)

