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notebook / Liam Mellows, 1922

Note book used by Liam Mellows with notes by him. Maroon leather cover, 4.5" by 2.5" (closed), made by J.C. Konig and Ebhardt, Hanover, with block of tear-off pages attached in front (inside) and pocket for loose leaves at back (inside). Several pages remaining in block and in pocket (included in latter, a refill for black). Bound notebook to fit in to cover in centre. Pencil in loop within (not used since by Liam Mellows, according to Mrs M. Woods, the previous owner). Most of the pages contain notes in pencil and ink by Liam Mellows. These notes were all apparantly all made in 1922 and are largely rough memoranda regarding the organisation of the I.R.A. and routine arrangements during the period preceeding the Irish Civil War. Among references which may be of wider interest are 1 - Notes regarding purchase of arms - "Magennis. Sale of Boat. Urgent" - lists of arms and explosives - prices - statements of an account involving large sums of money may refer to this (Import of arms by Magennis, author "Nomad"(?) 2 - Note on Franc-tireur tactics Feb. 1922 and some notes on military books. 3 - Notes on arms in Sligo, Athlone, Limerick, Roscommon. 4 - Notes on meetings in Co. Galway April, 1922 - memos. of meetings (Dublin?) and things to be done. 5 - Notes re Four Courts (?) - "Well sunk in F.C." "Feber in F.C." 6 - Notes of Dáil proceedings - truce between F.S. and Republican forces. 7 - Note - "Cottages etc. on coast. Cathal Brugha". 8 - Notes of motor accident on O'Connell Bridge and conversation with deaf mute. A note by Mrs M. Woods reads 'The loose pages were torn out when Liam carried on a conversation with the deaf mute in the hospital after my husband's car had knocked him down in O'Connell Street when crossing the city accompanied by Liam'.;

Liam Mellows, 1922

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