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newsheet / Freeman's Journal, 30 March 1922

Newsheet printed by the Freeman's Journal, Dublin, Thursday 30 March 1922. 'Suppressed Again' What Greenwood, Macready, Strickland, the British Army, the Auxiliaries and the Black and Tans failed to do, the patriots of the seceding section of the IRA have done. rather they think they have done it. But they have failed; and they will continue to fail. Because the Freeman's Journal has fought for the freedom of the plain Irish people. Because it sought to ensure that they should decide their own destines in their own way. The Black and Tans of Suffolk Street determined to put it out of existence. Close on a hundred of their followers, flourishing revolvers, raided our offices soon after midnight. With sledges they smashed every single machine. They sprinkled the premises with petrol. Tehn the heroes of the Documentary Republic set them alight. The Freeman's Journal does not appear in its usual form this morning. But it Appears. And so far as it is humanly possible it will continue to appear. even if only on a sheet the size of this. And it will continue to say what it chooses. It will expose the tyranny in whatever garb it shows itself. Whether in the khaki of the British or the homespun of the mutineers. Whether in Dublin Castle or in Suffolk Street. The paper which has fought for Irish Liberty for so long will not be silenced. Nor will the Irish People be terrorised out of their rights. They have fought for freedom; not for the rule of a mutinous bully.;

Freeman's Journal, 30 March 1922

Object Number:




Place of production:
Dublin (city)

