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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 3 results

Showing results from Historical - Ulster Collection


recruitment poster / Smash English Rule in Ireland

Recruitment poster, with seven images of civil disturbances on the Falls Road, Belfast. 'Smash English Rule in Ireland / Support the Irish Republican Movement'. Issued by the Belfast Republican Publicity Bureau. Probably 1970s.


recruitment poster / Join the Volunteer Soldiers of the Belfast Brigade, 1975

Recruitment poster, with image of Ireland in green, with the north coastline formed into a hand gripping an AK-47 rifle, with the words 'Join the Volunteer Soldiers of the Belfast Brigade'. The notes on the reverse dates the poster from 14 April 1975, when it was bought for 10 pence from young...


recruitment poster / End Internment / Organise Against Repression, 1975

Poster, 'End Internment / Organise Against Repression'. With an image of R.U.C. riot police beating a man. Collected in the area of the Lower Falls, Ballymurphy, August 1975. Issued by the I.R.S.P.,(Irish Republican Socialist Party), I.A., Essex Gate, Dublin 8.