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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 218

Showing results from Historical - Political Cartoon Collection


engraving / The State Forge or the Artful Doger and Old Nick at Work

Political cartoon, colour. 'The State Forge or the Artful Doger and Old Nick at Work'. c.1844.


engraving / Trial by Jury - or Where are the Sixty Names?

Political cartoon, colour. Hints and Hits series. 'Trial by Jury - or Where are the Sixty Names?. Regarding Catholic Emanciptation and the Bill of Rights, c. 1828/9.


lithograph / Daniel O'Connell & Duke of Wellington, 1843

Political cartoon, re Catholic Emancipation, depicting the Duke of Wellington and Daniel O'Connell, 1843. Titled 'Who's to strike first? or How Long is this to Last? By HB (HB Sketches No. 781). Published by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket, 5 September 1843. Printed at the General Lithograph...


political cartoon / Return of the Lawless Embassy

Political cartoon, titled Return of the Lawless Embassy. Published by T. McLean of Haymarket, London and T. Webb of Sackville Street, Dublin. HH:1937.34.3.1-8. Engravings of historic interest. Irish Political Cartoons Nineteenth Century.


engraving / The Humble Candidate, Daniel O'Connell, 1828

Daniel O'Connell, 1828. Political cartoon, titled 'The Humble Candidate', depicting O'Connell kneeling in Ennis before Bishop McMahon. Published in London by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket. Slogans and banners among the crowd. Relates to the 1828 Clare Election and the question of Catholic...


political cartoon / A Wicked Subject

Political satire cartoon, 'A Wicked Subject'. Engraving depicting Daniel O'Connell and the Duke of Wellington. O'Connell shown snuffing out a candle atop a book titled 'History of Ireland', and saying 'I say Wellington, this has been burning a long time, shall I snuff it short or snuff it out'....


political cartoon / Come back to Erin, 1886

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman, titled 'Come back to Erin', 7 August 1886. Depicting a couple emigrating from Ireland, saying farewell to the female figure of Erin. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures etc. taken of Irish History 1798 - 1905. HH:1940.44.1 - Picture from the Weekly...


political cartoon / Parnell and the National League, 1889

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman (date etc details not present). Parnell depicted with tools, leading the National League towards the Tenants' Defence League. 3 August 1889. Unsigned. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures etc. taken of Irish History 1798 - 1905. HH:1940.44.10 -...


political cartoon / Brazen Balfour, 1889

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman, titled 'Brazen Balfour', 24 August 1889. 'Whilst the venerated Clergy of Clare are facing, day and night, every sort of weather in their efforts to comfort the sick and poor - This truculent slanderer is denouncing them from his comfortable place in the...


political cartoon / To the Memory of the Brave, 1905

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman and National Press, titled 'To the Memory of the Brave', 17 June 1905. The female figure of Erin lays a wreath on a tomb engraved 'To the Heroes of Fontenoy Who Upheld the Glory of Ireland'. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures etc. taken of Irish...


political cartoon / Death of Parnell, 1891

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman (date etc details not present). The Death of Parnell, his body draped in a green flag with 'Independence' held by the female figure of Erin, shown in mourning. An angel stands on the other side, with a sash with 'Immortal' across her chest. 1891....


political cartoon / Tidings of Great Joy, 1886

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman, titled 'Tidings of Great Joy', 26 August 1886. Depicting Charles Stewart Parnell handing a document titled 'Chicago Convention' to the female figure of Erin. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures etc. taken of Irish History 1798 - 1905. HH:1940.44.2 -...


political cartoon / Cooking Ireland, 1887

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman, titled 'Cooking Ireland', 2 July 1887. A manservant informs the female figure of Erin that two gentlemen from England, named 'Victor' and 'George' wish to look around. A tag reading 'Free Land' to the left side. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures...


political cartoon / The Death of Wolfe Tone

Illustration, ‘The Death of Wolfe Tone’. From a painting by Walter Mills, 1897. Free supplement with the Christmas number of the Irish Weekly Independent. Published by Cherry and Smalldridge Ltd., Colour Printers, Dublin.


political cartoon / Irish House of Commons, 1888

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman (date etc details not present). Female figure of Erin depicted cleaning the mace of the Irish House of Commons, at the Speaker's Chair. Male figure standing to the back, reading an issue of the Weekly Freeman. 10 November 1888. Unsigned....


political cartoon / Over the Garden Wall, 1888

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman, titled 'Over the Garden Wall', 29 December 1888. Depicting William Gladstone as the Grand Old Gardiner talking to John Bull, at a garden wall titled the 'Irish Question'. From a speech at Limehouse, 16 December 1888. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of...


political cartoon / Scotland's Message to Ireland, 1889.

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman, titled 'Scotland's Message to Ireland', 26 January 1889. Erin's Reply - 'Bravo Scotland! Bravo Govan!'. Referencing the Govan by-election of 18 January 1889, when the Liberal John Wilson won the seat. The other candidate was the Liberal Unionist Sir John...


political cartoon / Home Rule, 1880s

Political cartoon, depicting Charles Stewart Parnell as a Gaelic warrior, holding aloft a green flag with 'Home Rule' written on it, and standing on a three headed beast, with the words 'Times', 'Tories' and 'Traitors' written on them. Weekly Freeman, 9th March 1889.


political cartoon / Parnell receiving the Freedom of Edinburgh, 1889

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman (date etc details not present). Charles Stewart Parnell receiving the Freedom of Edinburgh from a female represenation of Scotland. 27 July 1889. Unsigned. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures etc. taken of Irish History 1798 - 1905. HH:1940.44.9 -...


political cartoon / Patrick Ford of the Irish World, 1899

Colour cartoon from the "Weekly Freeman and National Press", Saturday 2nd December 1899. Patrick Ford from the "Irish World" appeals to Irish-Americans on behalf of the United Irish League. Illustration by Phil Blake. HH:1940.82.1-12. Collection of papers relating to 19th Century Irish History....