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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Historical - Political Cartoon Collection


political cartoon / The Real Shillelagh, 1883

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 27 October 1883. Titled 'The Real Shillelagh'. Depicting an Irishman with the franchise confronting three Orangemen.


political cartoon / The Hand Writing on the Wall, 1884

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 5 January 1884. Titled 'The Hand Writing on the Wall'. Depicting the figure of Parnell writing 'The present government in Ireland is the meanest and most incompetant that ever attempted to govern the Irish people. And it must disgracefully fail...


political cartoon / Orange Demands, 1884

Political cartoon, Supplement from the United Ireland, 5 January 1884. By J.D.Reigh. Depicting an Orange Lodge Grandmaster and an Orangeman, of Loyal Orange Lodge 999, the Orangeman listing his demands.


political cartoon / Valuing Him, 1882

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 18 November 1882. Titled 'Valuing Him'. Depicting Court Valuer valuing the turnip crop per acre of Maguire's land.


political cartoon / The Key Out of the Difficulty, 1883

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 25 August 1883. Titled 'The Key Out of the Difficulty'. Depicting Joe Chamberlain offering the female representation of Erin the key of self-government.


political cartoon / The Girl He Left Behind Him; or The Chased Vice-Roy, 1883

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 1 September 1883. Titled 'The Girl He Left Behind Him; or The Chased Vice-Roy'.


political cartoon / Dragging His Coat, 1881

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 13 August 1881. Titled 'Dragging His Coat'. Depicting Lord Salisbury dragging his coat outside the tents of the House of Commons, House of Lords, Home Rule and Fourth Party.


political cartoon / Jubilee Coercion Bill, 1887

Political cartoon, depicting a young female representing Ireland, standing at the door of 'Cell 87 for Miss Erin'. To the right is a bust of Queen Victoria on a plinth, with a plaque reading '50 Years of Prosperity and Gentle Rule', and a paper underneath with 'Jubilee Coercion Bill... Evictions......


political cartoon / Tidings of Great Joy, 1886

Political cartoon, titled ‘Tidings of Great Joy’ depicting Parnell abourd a boat with the American flag, handing a document titled ‘Chicago Convention’ to a female representation of Ireland. From the Weekly Freeman (Freeman’s Journal), 26th August 1886.


portrait / Michael Davitt, 1885

Illustration, coloured, of Michael Davitt, head and shoulders, name underneath. By J.D. Reigh. For the United Ireland newspaper, 1885.


illustration / Heroines of Irish History III, 1885

Illustration or print, titled ‘Heroines of Irish History III. The rescue of Connor O’Byrne by Emmeline Talbot’ (See ‘Bye-ways in Irish History’). Supplement to the Irish Fireside, 22 July 1885.


portrait / Henry Grattan, 1886

Political cartoon, half length colour portrait of Henry Grattan. Supplement to the United Ireland, 17 April 1886. Printed by Forster and Company Ltd, Dublin.


illustration / Cork Exhibition, 1883

Supplement to the Irish Times, 5 July 1883. The Cork Exhibition 1883, ‘May Irish Manufactures Flourish’. Images include the exhibition building, Blackrock Castle, Co. Cork, the mall, Cork, Shandon Church. The Mayor (Daniel J. Galvin), Ludlow Beamish, J.J. Mahoney, Robert Walker (architect), Sir G....


political cartoon / A Vision of Coming Events, 1882

Political cartoon, supplement to the Weekly Freeman, 16 December 1882. Titled ‘A Vision of Coming Events’. A female representation of Ireland, with Irish harp and wolfhound at her feet, gazes into the hearth fire with visions of Home Rule achieved, with crowds outside the House of Parliament on...


political cartoon / Constitutional Agitation, 1883

Political cartoon, depicting a young male holding a flag on which is written 'Constitutional Agitation', being forced undergound by a male and a female figure, the male with a baton with 'Force' written on it, the female with 'English Press' written on her cap, holding a paper inscribed...


political cartoon / A Peep into the Retreat at Tinnehinch, 1799

Anti-Grattan cartoon ‘A Peep into the Retreat at Tinnehinch’. By T. Whittle, at Peterbro’ Court, Fleet Street, dated 1 May 1799. For the Anti-Jacobin Review. Reference the United Irishmen. Framed back to back with HH:2013.93.


illustration / Union of Hearts, 1889

Framed political cartoon. "Supplement to the Political World, July 20, 1889. Political World Cartoons No. 40. Union of Hearts. 'Parnell - Erin Dear will ask him now. Sure he can refuse, after making his English Rose happy'. Signed in bottom corner by Polant Hill. Published by Leighton Brothers.


political cartoon / O'Connell Monument Unveiled, 1882

Print, colour, or political cartoon. Supplement given with the Weekly Freeman, 19 August 1882. Titled 'O'Connell Monument Unveiled'. The winged figures shown were not erected in time for the unveiling. They are ready, however, and our Artist has shown the monument complete.