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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Historical - Political Cartoon Collection

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political cartoon / James Stephens, 1891

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 3 October 1891. A printed portrait (head and shoulders) of James Stephens, in red and black with a printed signature underneath. By J.D. Reigh.


political cartoon / Nailing the Colours of the Mast, 1891

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 24 October 1891. Titled 'Nailing the Colours of the Mast'. Colour print in green, red and black depicting Young Ireland as a young man nailing a flag reading 'Independance' to the mast. Below a section of a speech made by Parnell at Listowel, 13...


political cartoon / Gladstone - Shut Your Eyes, 1892

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 30 January 1892. Titled 'Gladstone - Shut Your Eyes and Open your Mouth, and Take What I Will Give You'. By J.D Reigh.


/ Mr. Balfours First Attempt, 1892

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 27 February 1892. Titled 'Mr. Balfours First Attempt', 'Pat: Yerra, what are ye cacklin' about? Sure thats only a poreen, ye ould fool! Begorra,if a sparra laid an egg like that she'd go and dhrown herself!' Balfour caricatured as a hen, laying...


political cartoon / To Arms, 1892

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 7 May 1892. Titled 'To Arms'. Colour print in green, red and black portraying Ireland as a young woman dressed in a white gown and red cloak, blowing a bugle on which hangs the words 'Independent Opposition' and holding a flag reading...


cartoon / Ireland As It Is, 1886

Political cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland' newspaper, 2 October 1886. Titled 'Ireland As It Is', Septeptember 1886. Series of three illustrations, 'Scenes in Kerry' by Claud Byrne, 'The Ward of Honour, New Ross Workhouse' by J.D. Reigh, and 'Eviction Scenes in Galway' by W. Theadore Parkes.


political cartoon / Two Irish Pictures, 1886

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 7 August 1886. Titled 'Two Irish Pictures'. 'Peace', depicted by Charles Stewart Parnell leaving Dublin Castle with a cheering crowd, and 'War', depicted by Castlereigh being escorted into Dublin Castle by two constables, flanked by a British...


political cartoon / Lord Salisbury's Remedy for Ireland, 1886

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 21 August 1886. Titled 'Lord Salisbury's Remedy for Ireland'. Depicting a bailiff breaking down the house of an evicted family, the Royal Irish Constabulary visible in the background. By J.D. Reigh.


political cartoon / The Doom of the Landlord, 1886

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 4 September 1886. Titled 'The Doom of the Landlord'. Referencing the Landlord Relief Scheme, Gladstone's Land Act and Purchase Bill. Depicted are Salisbury and Chamberlain speaking to the British Taxpayer. By J.D. Reigh.


political cartoon / Landlordism on the Horns of a Dilemma, 1886

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 23 October 1886. Titled 'Landlordism on the Horns of a Dilemma'. Depicting a man on the horns of a bull, the horns marked 'Coercion & No Rent.. Surrender at Discretion'. By J.D. Reigh.


political cartoon / What the British Army and Navy Have Come To, 1890

Political cartoon, supplement to United Ireland, 16 August 1890. Titled 'What the British Army and Navy Have Come To'. Referencing the use of British Military in evictions from estates, Lord Clanricarde's estate specifically mentioned. Arthur Balfour depicted. By J.D. Reigh.


political cartoon / Tipperary Greeting the Chief, 1891

Political Cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 2 May 1891. Titled 'Tipperary Greeting the Chief'. Depicts Charles Stewart Parnell being greeted in Clonmel, 26 April 1891. 'My Soul, I never doubted you, said Rory of the Hill'. By J.D. Reigh.


political cartoon / St. Patrick's Day, 1882

Political Cartoon, supplement to the Weekly Freeman, 18 March 1882. Titled 'St. Patrick's Day, 1882' - On his anniversary St. Patrick re-visits his well-beloved island, and finds that he has to do his work all over again.


political cartoon / Back! Away With Them, 1888

Political Cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 1 September 1888. Titled 'Back! Away With Them, or the Last Eviction in Ireland'. Depicting a group of Irish men using a battering ram titled 'General Election' to enter Dublin Castle. By J.D. Reigh.


illustration / The Bone of Contention

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 24 March 1888. Titled 'The Bone of Contention'. The Tory and Liberal Unionist Dogs have a wrangle over the only bone they really care for.


illustration / An Ill-Fated Team, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 24 July 1886. Titled 'An Ill-Fated Team', Liberal Unionist and Tory inscribed on two pigs.


illustration / Look at 'Loyal' Ulster!!!, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to the 'Weekly Freeman', 19 June 1886. Titled 'Look at 'Loyal' Ulster!!!'.


illustration / Remember Woodford Our Englsh Friends, 1887

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 5 November 1887. Titled 'Remember Woodford Our English Friends Mr Wilfred Blunt Lady Anna Blunt'.


illustration / Rome Exposed (Again), 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 13 November 1886. Titled 'Rome Exposed (Again)'. The Rev. Theology Chaeting, D.D., continuing his Thrilling Narrative.-'Yes, and the way they make Holy Water, is by mixing Protestant Blood with a Goose's Brains and then stirring ia all up with a...


illustration / The Tory Fee Faw Fum, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 4 December 1886. Titled 'The Tory Fee Faw Fum'. Mr Dillon disposes of King Edward III.