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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 161 to 180 of 218

Showing results from Historical - Political Cartoon Collection

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illustration / On the Dissecting Table Again - Perhaps, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 31 July 1886. Titled 'On the Dissecting Table Again - Perhaps'. Gavin Duffy, in his farewell address when leaving Ireland, 1855, having described in moving language the disastrous events of six preceding years said 'A change might come, and that...


illustration / Deep in the Canadian Woods, 1887

Political Cartoon, supplement to the 'Weekly Freeman', 28 May 1887. Titled 'Deep in the Canadian Woods'. The heroic William O'Brien carries the Sacred Banner of Truth and Justice throughout the length and breadth of Canada, notwithstanding the murderous opposition of the most unredeemed wretches...


illustration / The Skeleton at the Feast

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 25 June 1887. Titled 'The Skeleton at the Feast'. John Bull - 'Confound it all. Why is it we cannot 'ave a quiet little party without 'aving that 'orrid figure hinterruping hus? - There 'as been bad management somewhere'. Salisbury - 'It has all...


illustration / How Long O Lord

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 18 February 1888. Titled 'How Long O Lord'. An old man 80 years of age, named Bartley Geary, residing at Kilkerrin, Connemara, was evicted from his dwelling house, under the New Land Act, on Thursday last, by order of the magistrates. He crept...


political cartoon / From the Fryingpan into the Fire, 1886

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 27 November 1886. Titled 'From the Fryingpan into the Fire - The Landlords' Fix'. Referencing the Plan of Campaign and Parnell's Bill. By J.D. Reigh.


illustration / The Battle at the Polls (Poles), 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 3 July 1886. Titled 'The Battle at the Polls (Poles)'. A Thousand to One on the Grand Old Man and the Grand Young Man! Depicts Parnell and Gladstone in Roman battle dress, defending Home Rule.


illustration / The Two Policies for Ireland, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 27 February 1886. Titled 'The Two Policies for Ireland'


illustration / A Flag of Truce Ground Arms, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 13 March 1886. Titled 'A Flag of Truce Ground Arms', the Irish Parliamentary Forces ground arms and wait.


illustration / The Real Murderers and their Associates, 1887

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 23 April 1887. Titled 'The Real Murderers and their Associates'.


illustration / The Midnight Meeting at Woodford 16 October 1887

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 24 December 1887. Titled 'The Midnight Meeting at Woodford 16 October 1887. Mr William O'Brien M.P. burning the proclamation'.


illustration / The Conspirators' Chorus, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 22 May 1886. Titled 'The Conspirators' Chorus We Swear', the Chamberlain Invincibles take their oath for the destruction of Mr Gladstone.


illustration / Free Trade Moryah, 1888

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 1 December 1888. Titled 'Free Trade Moryah'. Evictor 'Sign, or I'll run you out'. Coercionist 'Sign, or I'll run you in'. Rack-Rented Tenant 'I shall never be able to pay the instalments'. Evictor 'I don't care a d-n. Let you and John Bull fight...


illustration / The Separation Bogey, 1888

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 8 December 1888. Titled 'The Separation Bogey'.


illustration / The Black Watch, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 19 May 1888. Titled 'The Black Watch'. Re the improsonment of John Dillon.


illustration / The Devil's Work in Ireland, 1889

Political cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland' 19 January 1889. Titled 'The Devil's Work in Ireland'. Depicts a representation of the devil, with 'Clanricarde' written on his chest. 'Balfour the Brave 'For you I have lied without shame, and tortured without pity. Bloody Graves, Ruined Villages,...


political cartoon / Equality First, Fraternity Afterwards, 1882

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 30 Spetember 1882. Titled 'Equality First, Fraternity Afterwards'. Two men casting a ballot at the Parliamentary Election, Trades Union Congress poster in the background.


political cartoon / A Tight Bargain, 1892

Political cartoon, Supplement from the United Ireland, 9 April 1892. Titled 'A Tight Bargain'. Depicting Timothy Michael Healy negotiating a purchase, re the National Press.


political cartoon / That Awful Bore, or The Next French Revolution, 1883

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 21 July 1883. Titled 'That Awful Bore, or The Next French Revolution'. Depicting three British Amry officers, including Lord Wolseley, outside 'The French Tunnel'.


political cartoon / John Dillon, 1881

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 8 October 1881. Portrait of John Dillon M.P.


political cartoon / Hares and Hareos, 1882

Political cartoon, Supplement from the Weekly Freeman, 14 January 1882. Titled 'Hares and Hareos'. Depicting a landlord leading a hunt of British soldiers after a poacher. Reference to the Game Laws.