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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 681 to 700 of 962

Showing results from Arms and Armour - Militaria Collection

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regulation book / Musketry Regulations, Part 2, 1910

Musketry Regulations, Part 2, Rifle Ranges and Musketry Appliances, 1910. General Staff, War Office. Published in London by His Majesty's Stationary Office, printed by Harrison & Sons. Price fourpence. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


regulation book / Field Service Regulations, 1914

Field Service Regulations, Part 2, Organisation and Administration, 1909, reprinted 1914. General Staff, War Office. Published in London by His Majesty's Stationary Office, printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode Ltd. Price one shilling. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


instruction manual / Bayonet Training 1916

Tarining manual or booklet, Bayonet Training 1916. Headquarter Gymnasium, Aldershot. Published by Harrison and Sons, 45 to 47 St. Martin's Way, London. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Signed on cover by Burke.


book / Lewis Gun Training Regulations No. 9, 1940

Lewis Gun Training Regulations No. 9 (Irish Defence Forces). Printed for and published by the Stationary Office, Dublin, 1940. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


booklet / Civilian War Duties

Booklet 'Civilian War Duties'. Public Information Pamphlet No. 1. Issued by the Department of Defence, Air raid Precautions Branch, St. John's Road, Kingsbridge, Dublin. Printed by Cahill & Co. Ltd., Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin. Back cover with illustraiton of a beehive shelter. Emergency...


book / Regulations for the Allowance of the Army 1914

Book, Regulations for the Allowances of the Army 1914. Published by Harrison and Sons, 45 to 47 St. Martin's Way, London. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


instruction manual / Defensive Measures Against Gas Attacks, 1917

Booklet "Defensive Measures Against Gas Attacks 1917". Published by Harrison and Sons, 45 to 47 St. Martin's Way, London. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


instruction manual / Defensive Measures Against Gas Attacks, 1917

Booklet "Defensive Measures Against Gas Attacks 1917". Published by Harrison and Sons, 45 to 47 St. Martin's Way, London. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Signed on cover by Burke.


handbook / The Service Handbook 1929

The Service Handbook 1929. Compiled by Captain H.H.C. Baird, D.S.O. Third edition. Published in London at the Office of 'The Service Man', 115 Fleet Street. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


booklet / The Royal Irish Regiment Old Comrades' Association Re-union, 1951

The Royal Irish Regiment Old Comrades' Association Re-union 1951, Report of the Re-union at Jury's Hotel, College Green, Dublin, Saturday 15 September 1951. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


booklet / The Royal Irish Regiment Old Comrades' Association Re-union, 1955

The Royal Irish Regiment Old Comrades' Association Re-union 1955, Report of the Re-union at Jury's Hotel, College Green, Dublin, Saturday 10 September 1955. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


instruction manual / Military Map Reading 1915

Instruction book, The Complete Guide to Military Map Reading, Specially compiled for First Class Army School Certificates. Third edition. Published in London by Gale and Polden Ltd. 1915. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


booklet / Guard Duty Illustrated

Instruction manual, Guard Duty Illustrated. By Captain E.C. Esson, including Garrison Duties, Arrest and Military Custody. Fifth Edition. Published by Harrison and Sons, 45 to 47 St. Martin's Way, London. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Signed on cover by...


booklet / Everyman's War Bureau, 1940

Booklet, the Sunday Chronicle Everyman's War Bureau, by S. Evelyn Thomas, Joint Editor, Sunday Chronicle War Bureau. A Complete Dictionary of Rights and Regulations. For Soldier, Sailor, Ariman and Civilian. 1940. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Stamped on...


handbook / Air Raid Precaution Handbook No. 6, 1938

Booklet, Air Raid Precaution Handbook No. 6. Air Raid Precautions in Factories and Business Premises. Published in London by His Majesty's Stationary Office. 1st Edition. 1938. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Stamped by Burke on cover and inside.


travel case / Captain Richard Burke, WWI

Dark brown wooden box containing military books and manuals (HA:2011.1.1-25). Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


booklet / The Royal Irish Regiment Armed Re-union, 1933

Booklet, 'The Royal Irish Regiment Armed Re-union 1933. Statement of Accounts and the Committee's Report of the 2nd Annual Re-union of the Old COmrades of the Royal Irish Regiment held in the Dolphin Hotel, Dublin, 9 September 1933. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment,...


instruction manual / Defence Against Gas 1918

Booklet, instruction manual, 'Defence Against Gas 1918. S.S. 534. Issued by the General Staff, March 1918. Issued in France down to Companies, Batteries and Squadrons. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Signed by Burke on cover.


guide book / Michelin Guide to the Yser and the Belgian Coast

Michelin Illustrated Guides to the Battlefields 1914-1918. Michelin Guide to the Yser and the Belgian Coast. An Illustrated History and Guide. In Memory of the Michelin Workmen and Employees Who Died Gloriously For Their Country. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


instruction manual / Military Engineering Vol. IV 1934

Instruction manual, Military Engineering Vol. IV - Demolitions and Mining, 1934. Publised by His Majesty's Stationary Office, London. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.