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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 101 to 120 of 235

Showing results from Proclaiming a Republic: The 1916 Rising

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souvenir / G.P.O., 1916

Saucer, found at the General Post Office after the 1916 Rising. Small stained item, bearing the stamp of 'GPO' on a trefoil and the word CLUB underneath. Damaged caused by the fire at G.P.O.


key / South Dublin Union , 1916

Master key of South Dublin Union (SDU), 1916. Stamped on one side GM/35 and on the other EASTER WEEK / 1916. In a cardboard box bearing the name 'Mr. Seán O'Duffy' and the legend 'Key handed to Sisters of Charity by Commandant Ned Daly, o/c Four Courts Area 1916.


knife (weapon) / Liam Mellows

A dagger made to a design of Liam Mellows. It was made by James Lynam, a Fenian Blacksmith of Athlone. The idea was that it could be used as a "sgian dubh" which could be carried in the stocking of the Fianna Éireann uniform. Liam gave it to Mr C.G. Seavers, when the latter got the first pair of...


handbook / Tramp Camps and Standing Camps for Boy Scouts, 1911

Book, 'Tramp Camps and Standing Camps for Boy Scouts' by J. A. Kyle. Published by James Brown & Son, Official Publishers to Boy Scout Headquarters. Baden Powell Boy Scouts handbook, issued in 1911. The inside pages bears a facsimile signature of Liamhan S. Mac Ionnraic, and the stamp of the...


pistol / Ned Daly, 1916 Rising

Ned Daly's Mauser pistol, serial number 87601, complete with wooden stock. As used by him at the Four Courts during the 1916 Rising.


overcoat / Roger Casement, 1916

The Irish Frieze wool overcoat, or greatcoat, worn by Sir Roger Casement on his landing from the submarine U-19 at Banna Strand, eight miles from Tralee, on 21st April 1916 before the planned Easter Rising. He was arrested and brought to be tried in London. The coat was handed over after some...


souvenir / G.P.O., 1916

A portion of the glass roof of the General Post Office, recovered from the debris after the destruction of the building at the end of Easter week, 1916.


souvenir / GPO, 1916

Portion of the roof of the General Post Office. A small strip of metal, distorted and bent from the heat of the fire of the burning building at the end of Easter week, 1916.


souvenir / 1916 Rising

A burned watch from the ruins of Messrs. Hopkins & Hopkins, Jewellers, on the corner of O'Connell Street and Eden Quay, 1916. the face of watch is missing. The case and mechanism are present but severely burned.


souvenir / GPO, 1916

A piece of barbed wire from the barricade erected by the Irish Volunteers opposite the General Post Office during Easter week, 1916.


clip (arms equipment) / Executions, Kilmainham, 1916

Cases of bullets, in clip, which were used in the executions of the 1916 Leaders. Five empty cartridge cases stated to have been the actual cases from which the bullets were fired which cut short the lives of Patrick Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh and Thomas J. Clarke, the first three of the signatories...


relic / Francis Sheehy Skeffington, 1916

Portion of a brick in which is embedded a bullet, fired by the firing party which executed Mr Francis Sheehy Skeffington at Portobello Barracks, that passed through the body of the late Francis Sheehy Skeffington. With authenticating letter signed by F. McL. Scannell, December 1935 (NMI...


flag / Four Courts, 1916

Flag flown over The Four Courts, Dublin, during the 1916 Rising. Taken on 30th April 1916. Green field with yellow harp.


certificate / Michael O'Hanrahan, 1916

Certificate of Death of Michael O'Hanrahan, which states the place (Detention Barracks, Kilmainham), cause (Shooting by order of Field General Court Martial), date of death (4 May 1916) of the above. Date of registration is 2 June 1916. O'Hanrahan was executed for his involvement in the 1916...


death certificate / Thomas Clarke, 1916

Certificate of Death of Thomas Clarke, which states the place (Detention Barracks, Kilmainham), cause (Shooting by order of Field general Court Martial) and date of death (3.5.1916) of the above. Certificate dated 2 June 1916. Clarke was executed for his involvement in the 1916 Rising. Once the...


death certificate / Edward Daly, 1916

Certificate of Death of Edward Daly, which states the place (Detention Barracks, Kilmainham), cause (Shooting by order of Field General Court Martial) and date of death (4.5.1916) of the above. Certificate dated 2 June 1916. Daly was executed for his involvement in the 1916 Rising. Once the deaths...


pocket watch / Thomas Weafer, 1916

Watch which belonged to Captain Thomas J. Weafer, E.Coy. 2nd Battalion, Dublin Brigade. Found in the Hibernian Bank on the corner of O'Connell Street and Abbey Street with some human bones, presumably those of Captain Weafer, after the fires which destroyed the building burned out.


souvenir / Helga, 1916

A shell base fired at Liberty Hall from the British gun boat the 'Helga' during the 1916 Rising, with paper label inscribed as such. Base stamped with year of prouction 1915.


relic / Michael Malone, 1916

Sleeve of an Irish Volunteer uniform jacket, with a shamrock embroidered to the end, attached to a ribbon. Belonging to Michael Malone. Personal belongings of Lieutenant Michael Malone, 3rd Battalion, who was shot on the Wednesday of Easter Week, 1916, at 25 Northumberland Road during the Battle...


key / Thomas Ashe, Mountjoy

A pair of handcuffs which were worn by Thomas Ashe during his imprisonment in Mountjoy Prison. Complete with three keys. Obtained by Mrs. Larry Murphy, Roundwood, Dublin, from a warder, and given to Mr B. Touhy.