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Showing results from 1913 Lockout


circular / A Call to Arms

'A Call to Arms'. 'Irish Worker' Circular over name of Larkin soliciting subscriptions for shares. The Irish Co-Operative Labour Press, Ireland.


handbill / Gleeson Stands for Ireland - Irish Goods Only, 1913

'Gleeson Stands for Ireland and Fair Play for his Workers - Irish Goods Only'. Gleeson, O'Connell Street. Handbill claiming he employs no scabs. He is listed in handbill numbered EW.5305 as doing so.


leaflet / Dublin Typographical Provident Society, 1913

Dublin Typographical Provident Society, handbill against wages cuts. 1913 Lockout period.


newspaper article / Scabbing in Dublin, 1913

Newspaper cutting, re Scabbing in Dublin, meeting of Dublin Trades Council, c. 1913.


photograph / Arrest of Jim Larkin, 1913

Postcard photograph - Dublin Riots / the Arrest of Jim Larkin. 1913 Lockout.


tobacco pouch / Jim Larkin

Rectangular brown leather pocket book / wallet with fold over flap and snap fasteners. The tobacco pouch said to have belonged to Jim Larkin (See letter 1995.39.2).


letter / Jim Larkin

Letter from Delia Colgan to Paddy Mooney, regarding the tobacco pouch which belonged to Jim Larkin.


buttonhole badge / Markievicz, Irish Transport Workers' Union, 1913

Buttonhole badge of the Irish Transport Workers' Union, 1913. Brass with red enamel. In the form of an open right hand on which appears I.T./1913/W.U. Inspector Michael Mannion states that this badge was worn by Countess Markievicz during the Labour troubles in 1913, and that it 'was stolen from...


badge / Metropolitan House Painters, 1913

Labour Day badge, 1913. 3 inches by 4 inches long. White silk ribbon with braided border all round and with 1 inch metal thread fringe all round and plain steel pin. In green letters across / METROPOLITAN / HOUSE / PAINTERS / TRUSTEE with a straight line above and below / LABOUR DAY / 1913


postcard / 1913 Lockout

Postcard cartoon by Ernest Cavanagh. Satirising William Martin Murphy and the Scottish Borderers and listing people killed in the 1913 baton charge and the 1914 shootings at Bachelors Walk.


handbill / Irish Tramway Men's Union, 1913

1913 Strike leaflet, headed 'Dublin Tramwaymen's Fight/For Freedom and Justice!'. Handbill, Irish Tramway Men's Union, 1913.


article / Nineteen-Thirteen - its Significance

'Nineteen-Thirteen - its Significance'. By William O'Brien, Secretary, Dublin Lockout Committee, 1913. 4pp. reprint of William O'Brien's article, ex An Dion, December 1934.


handbill / Workers Support your Fellow Workers - Don't Wear Clothes Made By Scab Labour, 1913

Anti-Sweating handbill, issued by the Tailors' Society and listing Trade Union and non-Trade Union firms. .Workers Support your Fellow Workers - Don't Wear Clothes Made By Scab Labour'. 1913.


handbill / Lock out in the Tailoring Trade, 1913

'Lock Out in the Tailoring Trade'. Tailoring trade Lockout. Handbill re-issued by the Irish Tailors & Tailoresses Union. 1913.


leaflet / Gleeson and Blacklegging, 1913

Amalgamated Society of Tailors and Tailoresses handbill. Gleeson and Blacklegging. Stating that 'Two months ago we informed the public that Gleeson of 11 Upper O'Connell Street had locked out his Trade Union tailors, abolished his workshop, and now gets all his works made in sweating dens by...


leaflet / Don't Wear Clothes Made by Scab Labour, 1913

'Workers, Support you Fellow Workers. Don't Wear Clothes Made by Scab Labour'. Handbill issued by Tailors' Society listing Trade Union firms and scab or non-Trade Union firms in Dublin, with the slogan, 'Help the Tailors to stamp out the Sweating System'.


photograph / The Lockout Martyrs banner, 1913

Irish Transport and General Workers Union Banner. Four F.P. prints of No. 19 Branch Banner showing Connolly on one side and a baton charge scene 1913 on the other with legend "The Lockout Martyrs." Black and white / monochrome prints, two of each side.


newspaper / The Irish Worker, 23 August 1913

Copy of 'The Irish Worker', Vol. III, No. 14, 23 August 1913. Edited by Jim Larkin.


cartoon / Dublin Labour War / James Larkin

Postcard cartoon. Dublin Labour War. James Larkin shining a spotlight on the words Poverty, Hunger, Dirt, Vice, Municiple Corruption, Police Brutality. Referring to the activities during the 1913 Lockout period. By Ernest Kavanagh, 1914 (E.K. 1914 in corner).


letter / Joseph Fels / Larkin, 1913

Holograph letter, Joseph Fels, 10 Cornwall Terrace, Regents Park, N.W. to James Larkin, 5 October 1913, inviting him to stay with Fels while in London. 1 page. All items in this collection - with exception of No. 3 - appear to have come from Liberty Hall. No. 9 was taken from there by Major...