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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 227

Showing results from Labour Movement


newspaper cutting / Irish Motor Drivers, 1920

Picture of Irish Motor Drivers' protest parade meeting the English Labour delegates on their 1st tour of Dublin (Henderson included), in 1920. Possibly a cutting from an American newspaper.


newspaper / The Irish Worker

Copy of 'The Irish Worker', edited by Jim Larkin, 24 January 1914, Dublin.


newspaper / The Watchword of Labour, 1920

Copy of 'The Watchword of Labour', 7 February, 1920, Dublin.


newspaper / The Watchword of Labour, 1920

Copy of 'The Watchword of Labour', 7 February, 1920, Dublin.


design / The Plough and the Stars

The Plough and the Stars. Original design for the Irish Citizen Army flag. Watercolour by W.H. Megahy. Blue field, brown plough with seven silver stars one being away from the plough in the bottom left hand corner. The flag is shown on this staff which is cylindrical and ends in an upstretched Red...


booklet / The New Evangel

Booklet, The New Evangel, by James Connolly. Published by The Socialist Party of Ireland, first published in 1898.


document / Sinn Féin and the Labour Movement

Sinn Féin and the Labour Movement by Spálpin N.P. N.D. c 1920.


leaflet / The Irish Republic, 1916

Handbill titled "The Irish Republic, 1916", urging people to vote pro-Labour. 'Vote for the Man who Bears the Flag of the Republic'.


cheque / Clarke / Larkin, 1912

Cheque signed by Thomas J. Clarke to James Larkin for 18/- on 8 May, 1912. Cheque no. 090431, drawn on The Northern Banking Co. Ltd. Ball's Branch Upper Sackville St. Dublin. Endorsed on back by Larkin and by a Martin Keating.


document / American Federation of Labour

A copy of resolutions unanimously adopted by the delegates to the American Federation of Labour , the first great public body in the world to give recognition to the Irish Republic, at Atlantic City, N.J., June 9th to 29th, 1919. Typed document, signed by Samuel Compers (President) and Frank...


notice / Co-Operation - a Meeting of Trade Unionists, 1918

'Co-Operation - a Meeting of Trade Unionists' at Trades Hall, Capel Street, Dublin. Handbill advertising a meeting under the auspices of the Irish Builders' Co-Operative Society with Countess Markievicz as one of the speakers, along with George Russell, Councillor O'Carroll, William O'Brien and...


pamphlet / Sixty Years Ago… The Dublin Dockers "Trun" me out

Pamphlet. 'Sixty Years Ago… The Dublin Dockers "Trun" me out', by William O'Brien. Reprinted from the December issue of Liberty Magazine. Irish Printers Ltd., Dublin. 1910


ballad sheet / Labour's Call, 1914

'Labour's Call' by Peadar O Cearnaigh - a ballad sheet c. 1914.


subscription form / The Irish Worker, 1911

'The Irish Worker and People's Advocate'. Initial advertising and order / subscription sheet. c. 1911.


letter / American Labour and British Treaty, 1911

American Labour and British Treaty. 1911 circular from Central Labour Union, District of Columbia, opposing 'the proposed arbitration treaty with Great Britain'.


advertisement / Irish Opinion

Advertising sticker for the 'Irish Opinion', a weekly journal of industrial and political democracy. 'Voice of Labour Records No.4'. With a quotation from James Fintan Lalor.


leaflet / A Strike Breaking Army at Work

"A Strike Breaking Army at Work". 4 pages reprint of article by Erskine Childers ex Daily Herald, 26 May 1919.


handbill / Labour Day Demonstration, 1908

Labour Day Demonstration, 3rd May 1908. Handbill re procession and mass meeting. Under the auspices of the Dublin Trades Council.


form / Irish Co-Operative Manufacturing Society

Form of Application for Shares, addressed to the Irish Co-Operative Labour Press Ltd.


pamphlet / Irish Workers' Co-Operative Society

Booklet; Irish Workers' Co-Operative Society. 31 Eden Quay, Dublin. 4 page brochure, noting its establishment and providing information on the application for shares. Circa 1913.