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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 221 to 227 of 227

Showing results from Labour Movement


newspaper / The Freeman's Journal, 18th April 1922

The Freeman's Journal, 18 April 1922, 6 pages. Includes articles discussing the Anglo-Irish Treaty, and an article entitled Ballot or Bullet" concerning the possibility of civil war. An illustration on the front page depicts worker and employer, with the words, "Trade, worker and employer, where do...


pamphlet / To The Organised Workers of England, Scotland and Wales, 1918

Irish Trade Union Congress and Labour Party 1918. re Conscription. 4 page brochure soliciting support and resolutions "To The Organised Workers of England, Scotland and Wales".


notice / Socialist Rally, 1917

1917 Socialist Rally. Handbill giving notice of meeting on 12 January at Trades Hall, Capel Street, Dublin, to be addressed by W. Regan of Glasgow I.L.P.


leaflet / Tipperary Election / Lilly Connolly / O'Brien

Handbill - 'Tipperary's Labour Candidate / Remarkable Tribute from the Late James Connolly'. Printed reproduction of a letter from Lily Connolly to William O'Brien. Handbill citing her and James' (Connolly) endorsement of O'Brien in the Tipperary Election. Probably 1927.


indenture / Edward Gibson, 1908

Indenture of apprenticeship. Boy's indenture of apprenticeship, apprenticing Edward Gibson to Nicholas Alexander of the Dublin Silk Trade. The indenture was signed by Michael Mallin, who was Secretary of the Society. Nicholas Alexander subsequently fought in the St Stephen's Green area under...


pass / Limerick Strike, April 1919

Pass issued to workers during Limerick Strike, April 1919. The British Military, during a certain period in April 1919, closed all the entrances to Limerick City. The Limerick Workers then refused to use the official Passes of the British. As a compromise, the workers eventually consented to use...


cartoon / William Murder Murphy's Tramcars

Postcard cartoon. William Murder Murphy's Tramcars. Depicting the Dublin Metropolitan Police and Scottish Borderers on the Dublin to Howth tramcar. With 'Don't Forget August 1913'. Along top; In memoriam of Patrick Quinn (Irish Transport Union), Mrs Duffy, wife of Owen Duffy (Irish Transport...