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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 61 to 80 of 227

Showing results from Labour Movement

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appeal / Organisation Fund, 1910

Socialist Party of Ireland, printed appeal for Organisation Fund, signed (print) by William O'Brien, at 43 Belvedere Place, Dublin. 1910.


newspaper article / Scabbing in Dublin, 1913

Newspaper cutting, re Scabbing in Dublin, meeting of Dublin Trades Council, c. 1913.


medal / For Labour and Ireland, 1916

War Medal; I.R.A. Active Service. Lieutenent M. Kelly, 1916. (seemingly Irish Citizen Army). Obverse 'For Labour and Ireland'. Reverse 'Irish Republican Army' and 'Lieut. M. Kelly 1916'.


newspaper / The Workers' Republic, 22 April 1916

Copy of 'The Workers' Republic'. Dublin, April 22nd, 1916.


photograph / Arrest of Jim Larkin, 1913

Postcard photograph - Dublin Riots / the Arrest of Jim Larkin. 1913 Lockout.


flag / Broguemakers, Co.Tipperary

Trade guild banner of the Tipperary Broguemakers. Banner, painted scene with bown cloth with tassles as a mount or border. The scene depicts a St.Patrick figure holding a staff in his right hand, his left hand resting on the golden harp in the centre. Another man in priest's robes stands to the...


pamphlet / The Axe to the Root

Pamphlet on Trade Unionism. Cover reads - "Towards the one big Union, 3d. The Axe to the Root, by James Connolly. New Edition, with Introduction & Old Wine in New Bottles. Price ... Three Pence."


pamphlet / An Axe to the Root and Old Wine in New Bottles

Pamphlet. 'An Axe to the Root and Old Wine in New Bottles', by James Connolly. Towards the One Big Union. New edition. 1934. Irish Transport and General Workers' Union, Dublin. Price 3d.


newspaper / The Workers' Republic, 3 July 1915

A copy of "The Workers' Republic" (July 3, 1915) edited by the late James Connolly.


handbill / To the Workingmen and Women of Ireland

Printed handbill or leaflet, "To the Workingmen and Women of Ireland", issued by the Irish Trade Union Congress and Labour Party, Trades hall, Capel Street, Dublin, November 1916.


pamphlet / James Connolly, A Study of his Work and Worth

Printed pamphlet O'Connor, Gerald: "James Connolly, A Study of his Work and Worth" Dublin, printed Curtis. No date, but probably 1917. 24 pages.


newspaper / The Workers' Republic

Copy of 'The Workers' Republic', Vol. I, No. 33, 8 January 1916.


postcard / Connolly to Larkin, 1912

Postcard from James Connolly to Jim Larkin. 9 October 1912, referring to a cartoon by Ernest Cavanagh which had been published in the Irish Worker. Addressed to Jim Larkin at Liberty Hall.


membership card / Belfast Operative House Painters' Trade Union

Belfast Operative House Painters' Trade Union Card. Membership card, in the name of W.J. Nolan. Signed by W. Hayes, President, and J. McKenna, Secretary.


badge / Metropolitan House Painters / Emmet, Centenary

Robert Emmet Centenary badge, 1903. 2.5 inches wide by 4.5 inches long (overall). Green silk ribbon with fringe and decorated brass pin. In gold letters across METROPOLITAN/HOUSE PAINTERS/ a shamrock/EMMET/CENTENARY/1903.


article / Labour in Dublin

'Labour in Dublin' by James Connolly. Offprint of this article from The Irish Review, October 1913.


notepaper / William O'Brien, Stockport, 1920

Stockport Parliamentary By-Election, 1920. Headed notepaper from the campaign supporting William O'Brien's candidature.


notice / To Hell with Contracts, c. 1920.

'To Hell with Contracts'. Irish Transport and General Workers' Union strike notice, c. 1920. Hotel and Restaurant Branch. Re Moira, Dolphin, Central, Wicklow and Grosevenor Hotels.


handbill / Labour and Conscription, 1918

Labour and Conscription, 1918. Leaflet issued on 24 June 1918 by the Irish Trades Union Congress and Labour Party. Signed by William O'Brien, Thomas Cassidy et al. The names D.R. Campbell and J.H. Bennett written on the back in pencil.


handbill / War / What it Means To You, 1914

'War / What it Means To You'. 1 page anti-war leaflet issued in 1914 by the Belfast Division of the Irish Citizen Army.