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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 101 to 120 of 227

Showing results from Labour Movement

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leaflet / Labour Day Demonstration, 1914

Labour Day Demonstration, 5 April 1914. Manifesto to the Workers of Ireland from the Irish Trades Union Congress Parliamentary Committee. Handbill announcing the protest meeting schedule for O'Connell Street.


leaflet / Irish Tailors and Tailoresses' Union, 1918

Irish Tailors and Tailoresses' Union leaflet soliciting membership and support for union founded in July 1918.


leaflet / How to Wreck the Transport Union, 1919

'How to Wreck the Transport Union / Latest Castle Plot Exposed'. 1919. Irish Unionist Alliance and Irish Transport and General Workers' Union. Leaflet issued by ITGWU ( reprint ex "Voice of Labour", 31 May 1919) re meeting of IUA supported by "the Woman's Party", geared towards splitting the Labour...


ballot paper / Amalgamated Society of Tailors, 1907

Amalgamated Society of Tailors. Ballot paper on proposed amalgamation, February 1907.


handbill / Amalgamated Society of Tailors

Amalgamated Society of Tailors, Emerald and Progressive Branches. Printed circular re candidates in Board of Guardians election.


handbill / An Irish Union for Irish Workers, 1914

Irish Transport and General Workers' Union, 'An Irish Union for Irish Workers'. Recruiting leaflet, over the names of Thomas Foran, Thomas Kennedy, and William O'Brien. Possibly c. 1909 ff.


pamphlet / The Rules of the Guild of Building Workers, 1921

The Rules of the Guild of Building Workers. 12 page pamphlet issued in 1921. Registered office at 49 Cuffe Street, Dublin. Printed by Hely's Limited, Acme Works and Dame Street, Dublin.


leaflet / Voice of Labour

'Voice of Labour' circular. 4 page memorandum concerning the Irish Labour Press Co-Operative Society. Soliciting orders and share capital, and announcing the Irish Labour Press Co-Operative Society's takeover.


notice / Hotel and Restaurant Branch Strike

'To Hell with Contracts'. Hotel Industry Strike leaflet. Issued by Irish Transport and General Workers' Union re Moira, Central, Dolphin, Wicklow and Grosvenor hotels. In response to the breaking of an agreement in place for seven without notice. Possibly circa 1920.


leaflet / To the Co. Dublin Workers

'To the Co. Dublin Workers', Irish Transport and General Workers' Union leaflet agitating against "a further wage cut" for farm labourers. Printed by Oliver & Grant, Dublin.


leaflet / Workers Get Together, 1908-10

'Workers Get Together'. Recruiting handbill for Irish Transport and General Workers Union, c. 1908-1910.


notice / New Kilmainham Ward, 1913-14

'New Kilmainham Ward'. Leaflet rallying labour forces to meet and organise, listing W.P. Partridge, Larkin, P.T. Daly among speakers. To be held on Friday evenings at Corporation Buildings, Tram Terminus, Islandbridge, The Ranch and Chapelizod. Printed by the City Printing Works, 13 Stafford...


leaflet / Irish Manufactured Furniture made by Sweaters

'Irish Industrial Revival - Irish Manufactured Furniture made by Sweaters'. Furniture Making and Sweating. Handbill alledgedly written by The Jewish Cabinetmakers' Trade Union, exposing conditions in J.G. Kelly & Co., of the Sherington Cabinet Works, 58 Jervis Street, Dublin.


letter / Dublin United Trades and Labour Council, 1916

Dublin United Trades and Labour Council, strike circular to the secretary of each trade union, February 1916, re the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company wages dispute. Signed by Thomas Farren, John Lawlor, John Farren and William O'Brien.


notice / Annual General Meeting

Irish Transport and General Workers' Union Annual General Meeting; 1st February. Handbill for No.1 Branch, Liberty Hall, over names of Thomas Foran and John O'Neill. Dollard Printing House, Dublin.


handbill / Dublin Trades Council, 1919

Dublin Trades Council circular, 24 May 1919. To the Officers and Members of all Affiliated Unions. Re testimonial to Thomas Lawlor.


card / Irish Labour Party Dublin Branch, 1909

Irish Labour Party Dublin Branch; card for address by Keir Hardie on 7 June 1909.


notice / Co-Operative Dining Rooms

Card advertising a meeting at Co-Operative Dining Rooms, to be addressed by A.E., William O'Brien, R.J.P. Mortished and Louie Bennett. 15th September.


notice / Co-Operative Dining Rooms

Card advertising a meeting re Co-Operative Dining Rooms, to be addressed by A.E., William O'Brien, R.J.P. Mortished and Louie Bennett. 15th September.


card / Wood Quay, Connolly

Polling card, Wood Quay ward, and notice of public meeting, relating to James Connolly.