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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 101 to 120 of 142

Showing results from Trade Union Movement

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newspaper / The Irish Worker, 23 August 1913

Copy of 'The Irish Worker', Vol. III, No. 14, 23 August 1913. Edited by Jim Larkin.


newspaper / The Workers' Republic, 15 April, 1916

Copy of 'The Workers' Republic', Vol. 1, No. 47. Saturday 15 April, 1916.


newspaper / The Workers' Republic, 22 April 1916

Last published issue of 'The Workers' Republic', dated Saturday April 22, 1916.


cartoon / Dublin Labour War / James Larkin

Postcard cartoon. Dublin Labour War. James Larkin shining a spotlight on the words Poverty, Hunger, Dirt, Vice, Municiple Corruption, Police Brutality. Referring to the activities during the 1913 Lockout period. By Ernest Kavanagh, 1914 (E.K. 1914 in corner).


letter / Joseph Fels / Larkin, 1913

Holograph letter, Joseph Fels, 10 Cornwall Terrace, Regents Park, N.W. to James Larkin, 5 October 1913, inviting him to stay with Fels while in London. 1 page. All items in this collection - with exception of No. 3 - appear to have come from Liberty Hall. No. 9 was taken from there by Major...


letter / Packet Porters, Kingston Pier / Larkin

Manuscript letter, in pencil - from The Packet Porters, Kingstown Pier, to James Larkin, directed through James Connolly, 3 October 1913 - regarding increase in wages. 4pages.


poem / The Trial / The Mind of the Workers

Leaflet with two poems - 'The Trial' and 'The Mind of the Workers'. Workers' propaganda, period of the 1913 strike. By W. Travers, 18 Nicholas Street, Dublin. Written in pencil.


propaganda / Man's Inhumanity to Man

Manuscript copy of "Man's Inhumanity to Man, or the D.M.P. Assassins". Workers propaganda, period of the 1913 Strike / Lockout. By W.Travers, 18 Nicholas Street, Dublin. Two full pages and a small page section containing one verse.


booklet / The Facts Concerning Larkin's Departure to America

Political pamphlet, "Some pages from Union History, The Facts Concerning Larkin's Departure to America". Reprinted from 'The Voice of Labour' of April 12 1924. Second edition. Published by the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin, 1927.


newspaper / Labour Leader, 30 Dec. 1920

Issue of the newspaper 'Labour Leader', 30 December 1920, Vol. 17, no. 53. With title article 'A New Year "Sursum Corda!"


newspaper / Labour Leader, 27 Jan 1921

Issue of the newspaper 'Labour Leader', 27 January 1921, Vol. 18, no.4. With title article 'Foreign Policy , Political Action and Employment'.


newspaper / Labour Leader, 10 June 1921

Issue of the newspaper 'Labour Leader', 10 June 1921, Vol. 18, no.23. With title article '5,000,000 Workers Up Against it'.


membership card / Irish Transport and General Workers Union, 1913

Irish Transport and General Workers Union card signed by James Connolly as Branch Secretary, dated 1913 no. 11033 for member Pat O'Connor, aged 24 of 49 Harding(?) Street, in the Belfast Branch.


handbill / Dublin United Trade Council, 1918

Thomas Johnson, discrimination, 1918. Dublin United Trade Council circular of 26 July, re victimisation over anti-conscription campaign.


handbill / Irish Trade Union Congress and Conscription, 1918

Irish Trade Union Congress and Conscription, 1918. Leaflet with pledge and resolution from 20 April Convention.


circular / Municipal Elections, 1942.

Municipal Elections, 1942. Duplicated foolscap circular re Dublin elections to members of WUI re Labour candidates their own - James Larkin included - in particular.


commemorative badge / 1913

Set of four circular white badges with the number 13 printed in black on a green shamrock. Possibly a commemorative issue.


promissory note / Limerick Strike, 1919

1919 Limerick Promissory Note. Promissory note, printed in black and green on light green paper, 5.5" by 3.2", Limerick Strike 1919. Note states: - General Strike/Against British Militarism/Limerick April 1919 No. 10. "The Workers of Limerick promise to pay the bearer 5/- Five Shillings 5/-. For...


brochure / Municiple Elections, 1913

Election, 1913. 4 page printed brochure by James Connolly soliciting support in Dock Ward in Municipal Elections.


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Food card, white, 1913 Lockout. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union Fund./Give Bearer...