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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 121 to 140 of 142

Showing results from Trade Union Movement

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food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Second issue food card, 1913 Lockout. Blue. Dublin Lockout food cards, 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Food card, white, 1913 Lockout. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union Fund./Give Bearer...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Second issue food card, 1913 Lockout. Blue. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Food card, white, 1913 Lockout. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union Fund./Give Bearer...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Second issue food card, 1913 Lockout. Blue. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Food card, white, 1913 Lockout. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union Fund./Give Bearer...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Second issue food card, 1913 Lockout. Blue. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Second issue food card, 1913 Lockout. Blue. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Food card, white, 1913 Lockout. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union Fund./Give Bearer...


food card / Dublin Lockout, 1913

Second issue food card, 1913 Lockout. Blue. Dublin Lockout food cards 1913. Envelope endorsed by William O'Brien ' Nineteen Thirteen Lockout./Dublin, August 1913/Food Cards/First and Second Issues/First for Union' and containing: (a) 5 cards (white) bearing the legend 'British Trade Union...


promissory note / Limerick Workers, 1919

Promissary note issued by the Limerick Workers during the General Strike, April 1919. For 10 shillings. No.10, signed by James M. Casey (Treasurer). Stamped 'Mechanics Institute Limerick', with shamrock.


banknote / Limerick Strike, 1919

A ten shilling note of the Limerick Strike, April 1919. General Strike against British Militarism. 'The Workers of Limerick promise to bear the bearer...'. The Limerick Trades and Labour Council. Signed by John Cronin and James Casey.


booklet / P.T. Daly's Libel Action

Political pamphlet, "P.T. Daly's Libel Action". A report of the legal proceedings against 'The Voice of Labour' and the Irish Transport and General Workers Union, and appendix of documents including a facsimile of the Sligo letter of nomination, a facsimile of the faked Sligo books, reports on and...


pin badge / Big Bill Hayward / Jim Larkin

Big Bill Hayward, head and shoulders, also standing beside Jim Larkin. Two postcard photographs mounted together on piece of pink paper with legend 'Photographs of James Connolly and Larkin found by Gerald at Liberty Hall, Dublin ? Thursday ? Friday Easter Week 1916' written below. (This is an...


propaganda / Man's Inhumanity to Man, 1913

Printed version of "Man's Inhumanity to Man, of the D.M.P. Assassins". Workers' propaganda, period of the 1913 Strike. By W. Travers, 18 Nicholas Street, Dublin. Two pages.


drawing / The Crusaders

Original Indian ink drawing by Ernest Kavanagh, "The Crusaders". Group representing the Allies in the War of 1914-18, showing what, from the viewpoint of "The Irish Worker", were the real motives.


pamphlet / To The Organised Workers of England, Scotland and Wales, 1918

Irish Trade Union Congress and Labour Party 1918. re Conscription. 4 page brochure soliciting support and resolutions "To The Organised Workers of England, Scotland and Wales".


notice / Socialist Rally, 1917

1917 Socialist Rally. Handbill giving notice of meeting on 12 January at Trades Hall, Capel Street, Dublin, to be addressed by W. Regan of Glasgow I.L.P.


leaflet / Tipperary Election / Lilly Connolly / O'Brien

Handbill - 'Tipperary's Labour Candidate / Remarkable Tribute from the Late James Connolly'. Printed reproduction of a letter from Lily Connolly to William O'Brien. Handbill citing her and James' (Connolly) endorsement of O'Brien in the Tipperary Election. Probably 1927.


indenture / Edward Gibson, 1908

Indenture of apprenticeship. Boy's indenture of apprenticeship, apprenticing Edward Gibson to Nicholas Alexander of the Dublin Silk Trade. The indenture was signed by Michael Mallin, who was Secretary of the Society. Nicholas Alexander subsequently fought in the St Stephen's Green area under...