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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 220

Showing results from 1916 Rising


illustration / An Irish Volunteer with a Mauser Rifle, 1915

Framed drawing or illustration, for museum display, by Eileen Johnston - An Irish Volunteer with a Mauser Rifle, 1915. Sowing Howth rifle (single shot bolt action Mauser rifle), French sword bayonet, bandolier for ammunition, bayonet scabbard.


envelope / Lloyd George to Carson, 1916

Lloyd George's letter to Carson, 29 May 1916. Re enclosed first draft of proposition, saying they must make it clear that at the end of the provisional period Ulster does not, whether she wills it or not, merge with the rest of Ireland, and a request that Carson show it to Craig.


carving /

Wooden cross in the form of a Celtic high cross. Carved. Base and part of cross has been burnt. Provenence unknown.


book / Wolfe Tone Annual, 1938

Pamphlet. 'The Wolfe Tone Annual', 1938. Published by Brian O'Higgins, Dublin. Price 6d.


photograph / Seán Connolly

Souvenir postcard photograph. Seán Connolly, Abbey actor and Irish Citizen Army commandant, who was killed on the first day of the Rising at City Hall.


painting / Thomas Ashe

Thomas Ashe in the uniform of an Irish Volunteers officer. Oil painting by Leo Whelan, R.H.A., (1892-1956), oil on canvas, signed on the lower right. Inscribed on reverse. 61 x 48cm.


cap badge / Dublin Veterans Corps, 1916

Cap badge of the Dublin Veterans Corps, about 1916. Arms of Dublin, 'Dublin Veterans Corps' on oval surround, all superimposed on seven-pointed star surmounted by a crown. Bronzed metal.


buckshot mould / 1916 Rising

Buckshot mould, consisting of two rods, iron, held together at one end by a ring, of square section towards this end, with mould holes for shot, formed into two handles at other end.


cap extractor / .38 revolver, 1916

Cap extractor and capper for .38 revolver ammunition.


cap badge / Irish Citizen Army, 1916

A hand-cut cap badge made by a member of the Irish Citizen Army, 1916. With intertwined lettering.


memorandum / Rising, 1916

Manuscript memorandum from Commandant, Royal Irish Constabulary, Phoenix Park, Dublin to O.C. Troops, Curragh Camp, dated 24th April, 1916. On headed paper of Commandant's Office. Signed E.H. Pearson, A.I.G., Commandant. Informing him of insurrection in Dublin and asking send as soon as possible...


souvenir / Pearse / Irish Volunteers

Button from an Irish Volunteer tunic worn by Commandant General Patrick Pearse. Moulded leather button enamelled dark green, with metal back plate and lug. One inch in diameter. It was given to Mrs M.I. Murphy by Mrs. Margaret Pearse in the summer of 1916.


photograph / Seán Heuston

Photograph of Seán Heustonin the uniform of Fianna Eireann.


photograph / Roger Casement

Portrait photograph of Roger Casement, head and shoulders.


photograph / Thomas Kent

Portrait photograph of Thomas Kent, head and shoulders.


photograph / Michael Mallin

Portrait photograph of Michael Mallin, head and shoulders.


photograph / William Pearse

Portrait photograph of William Pearse, three quarter length.


photograph / Thomas MacDonagh

Photograph of Thomas MacDonagh, in uniform of the Irish Volunteers.


photograph / James Connolly

Portrait photograph of James Connolly, head and shoulders.


photograph / Sean MacDiarmada

Photograph of Seán Mac Dermot (Sean MacDiarmada)