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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 61 to 80 of 220

Showing results from 1916 Rising

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bullet / 1916

Bullet mounted on Connemara marble, with inscription on silver plaque 'Bullet, fired into and J Burke’s boardroom German Sinn Fein Rebellion, April -- May 1916'.


periodical / L’Irlande dans la Crise Universelle

Book, ‘L’Irlande dans la Crise Universelle / le Home Rule et la Guerre la Rebellion de 1916. Les essais constitutionnels et la Sinn Fein’. By Louis Treguiz. 3 Aout 1914 – 25 Juillet 1917. Bibliotheque d’Histoire Contempoaine. Librairie Felix Alcon. Paris.


pamphlet / A Fragment of 1916 History

Pamphlet. ‘A Fragment of 1916 History’. No publication details.


leaflet / What Other People think of Westminster

Leaflet, ‘What Other People think of Westminster’. A Sinn Fein leaflet. Headed ‘Sinn Fein says that for Irishmen to go to the English House of Commons, in the first place is an admission that England has the right to rule us, and in the second is worse than useless. Circa 1918.


leaflet / A Clarion Call of Two Eminent Catholic Bishops to the Irish Nation, 1918

Leaflet, ‘A Clarion Call of Two Eminent Catholic Bishops to the Irish Nation’. Statements by M. Fogerty, Bishop of Killaloe, at Ennis, 28th November 1918 and William J. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin, 27th November 1918. Probably issued by Sinn Fein.


newspaper / The Irish Nation, 19 Aug 1916

Newspaper, ‘The Irish Nation’, Saturday August 19th 1916, Vol. I, no. 9.


proclamation / 1916 Proclamation, reprint

Copy of the 1916 Proclamation, probably a 1918 issue around the time of the General Elections.


notice / Martial Law, 29 April 1916

Proclamation, issued by the Lord–Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland, Ivor Churchill Baron Wimborne, British Government, 29th April 1916. Declaring Ireland to be under a state of Martial Law.


drawing / A Dublin Barricade, 1916

A Dublin Barricade. Framed print of drawing by Brewster, depicting a battle scene at a barricade, with members of the Irish Volunteers, the Irish Citizen Army and Cumann na mBan, Easter 1916. Printed stamped ‘Deanta in Eireann’, with the number 0631.


portrait photograph / Eamon de Valera

Portrait photograph of Eamon de Valera. Head and shoulders, front facing. Pre 1916.


photograph / Royal Irish Rifles, 1916 Rising

Photograph, group, of the Royal Irish Rifles, 5th Battalion. The Royal South Downs. 150 took part in the suppression of the Rebellion in Dublin at Easter 1916. Photograph by Hembry, 15 Donegall Place, Belfast.


handbill / Irish War News Volume 1, No. 1, 1916

Leaflet or handbill, Facsimile edition of Irish War News Volume 1, No. 1. Tuesday 25 April 1916, Dublin.


pamphlet / The Republican Proclamation of Easter Monday 1916, 1935

Photocopy of paper ‘The Republican Proclamation of Easter Monday 1916’ by Joseph J. Bouch. A Paper read before the Bibliographic Society of Ireland, 25 March 1935. In ‘The Bibliographical Society of Ireland’ Volume V, No. 3. Published in Dublin at The Sign of the Three Candles, 1936.


grenade mould / ammunition, 1916

Two moulds for cores for hand grenades, made of a chalky substance. Donor has no information regarding them. In pencil on each "1916".


sticker / Support Loyal Ulster

Sticker badge, 'Support Loyal Ulster'. Circular badge with inscription on a red, white and blue backing. 1916 written on the back in pencil.


roll of honour / Irish Volunteers, Ferns, Easter Rising, 1936

List of signatures of members of Ferns Co. Irish Volunteers who took part in 1916 Rising. All members who were available in January 1936 are represented in the list by holograph signatures. Names of those not available and all addressed added by Donor, who was O/C Ferns Co. No name appears twice,...


newspaper / The Spark, 26 March 1916

Newspaper, The Spark, Vol. 3, No. 60, Sunday 26 March 1916, with article "Souls and Swords" edited by Ed Dalton.


notice / 1916 Rising

Official communique issued from Dublin Castle, 29th April, 1916. 'The Sinn Fein rebels in the Capel St., Great Britain St. and Lower Gardiner St. are completely surounded by a cordon of Troops which is gradually closing on the centre. The Troops assisted by Artillery are gradually overcoming...


photograph /

Photograph of the late Cathal MacDubhghaill (Cathal MacDowell). He belonged to the 3rd Batt. I.R.A. and fought in Bolands Mill under Eamon de Valera. See biographical article on Cathal MacDubhghaill by R.M. Fox in "The Monitor" (New York) January 1930.


altar crucifix / Kilmainham Prison Chapel

Altar crucifix from Kilmainham Prison Chapel.