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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 141 to 160 of 220

Showing results from 1916 Rising

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trousers / Irish Citizen Army

Irish Citizen Army uniform of the pattern worn after Easter Week 1916 (more service-like). Jacket or tunic, trousers, hat and boots with puttees.


ammunition / Mills, British Army

Hand grenade, Mills Pattern, British Army. This has no Irish connections and was added to the collection for comparison with Irish examples.


photograph / Martin Savage

Photograph of Martin Savage. Head to waist in Irish Volunteer uniform. Savage fought at the Four Courts in 1916, and was killed in the War of Independence. Photograph measures roughly 3.3 by 3.2 inches" and is apparantly portion cut from a larger photograph. Written on back in pencil "Savage" and...


note / General Post Office. 1916

Portion of G.P.O. flagstaff with authenticating note from Countess Markievicz. The piece of the wooden flag staff is a chip 2 ins. long x 25 ins. wide at its greatest width. The authenticating holograph note from Countess Markievicz is 7.4 x 3.1 ins. ruled white paper.


photograph / Sgt Jim Kelly, Australian Machine Gun Squadron, 1914/5

Postcard photograph of Sergeant Jim Kelly. Australian Machine Gun Squadron, 1914/5.


painting / Bulmer Hobson, 1963-64

Framed portrait of Bulmer Hobson, by Maurice MacGonigal, painted when subject was in his 80th year. Signed by the artist with some notes by him also on the rear frame; Bulmer Hobson in his house near Connemara, in his 80th year. Signed by MacGonigal at Gortin, Cloc na Ron. Large magnifying glass in...


helmet / British Army, WWI

British Army helmet, World War I, 1914 - 1918. This helmet is of the type used by the British Army at the time of the 1916 Rising.


button / Irish Volunteers

An Irish Volunteer button. On face I Harp V; on back: Made in Ireland by (Quinn?) Belfast. No.525348. Found in 1933 in Friends' Field, Ballybough, a site where refuse from the ruins of the G.P.O. was dumped after the Rising in 1916.


cap badge / Irish Volunteers, Jacob's, 1916

An Irish Volunteer cap badge worn by a Volunteer in Jacob's Easter Week 1916.


photograph album / 1916 Rising & War of Independence

War of Independence, postcard album in commemoration of. Compiled by Cathal MacDowell, who fought in the 1916 Rising and in the War of Independence. Containing postcards connected with the War of Independence. Containing 2 photos - Irish Volunteers pre 1916, postcard - Irish Volunteers armed,...


document / Jacob’s Biscuit Factory, 1916

Statement, typed, two pages, of Mr Patrick Cushen recounting his experiences as an employee in Jacob’s Biscuit Factory in the first days after the 1916 Rising.


photograph / British troops, Drumcondra, 1916

Photograph, four British soldiers on a bridge in Drumcondra, with one soldier setting a Lewis gun. Overseen by a police sergeant, probably Dublin Metropolitan Police. Taken by W.D. Hogan, Press Photographer, 56 Henry Street, Dublin. Probably Easter Week 1916.


cap badge / de Valera, 1916

Cap badge, cloth '95'. Taken off the Chief's Cap when he was in jail. The badge consists of the No. "95" and the letter "b". Black felt background with white sewn number.


medal / Count George Noble Plunkett

Medals of Count George Noble Plunkett. War of Independence medal, Parnell Medal, and two Papal medals, one with black sash.


pump / Battle of Ashbourne, 1916

Bicycle pump, black composition, marked "Humber cycles", 15.75" long, picked up by Donor on the site of the Battle of Ashbourne, April 28, 1916. (Found on the day of the battle, no indication of ownership, but she believed it to have belonged to a person engaged and took it away as a souvenir).


photograph / City Hall, 1916

Photograph of British Military placing a barbed wire entanglement around the City Hall after they had taken over the building in 1916.


photograph / Thomas Rafferty, 1916

Postcard photograph of Thomas Rafferty, killed in action at the Battle of Ashbourne in 1916, in costume of the Black Raven Pipers Band, Lusk.


will / 1916 Rising

Last Will and Testament of Arthur Griffith. handwritten by him at 121 Laurence Road, Clontarf, and dated April 27th 1916, the Thursday of the Easter Week rebellion.


photograph / Liberty Hall, 1916

Photograph, group outside Liberty Hall, showing males, females and children, in both uniform and civilian clothing. Post 1916 Rising; building shows damage from the bombardment from the Helga.


jacket / Helena Mary Hoyne, Cumann na mBan

Cumann na mBan uniform. Jacket, skirt and Sam Browne belt worn by Miss H.M. Hoyne (Helena Mary Hoyne, or Nellie Hoyne) Hoyne, of 69 South Circular Road, Portobello, Dublin, later in U.S.A. Nellie was imprisoned in Kilmainham Jail after the Rising. Belt later than 1916. Add to this green collar...