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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from War of Independence, Execution


souvenir / Thomas Whelan, Mountjoy, 1921

Egg cup, the property of Thomas Whelan. Given by him on eve of execution to his fellow prisoner Michael J. O'Reilly. Mountjoy Prison, March 1921.


souvenir / Paddy Moran, Mountjoy, 1921

Cup, the property of Paddy Moran. Given by him on eve of his execution to his fellow prisoner - Michael J. O'Reilly. Mountjoy, 14 March 1921


postcard photograph / Thomas Bryan

Thomas Bryan, picture postcard. One of the six Volunteers executed by the British, March 14, 1921, at Mountjoy Prison. Photograph surrounded by crossed Irish tricolours, with a harp and Irish wolfhound underneath. 'Thomas Bryan, died for Ireland March 14th 1921'.


bust / Kevin Barry

Bust of a youth, male. Kevin Barry. Plaster, partially painted.


theatre programme / Ballykinlar, 1921

Programme of dramatic entertainment given by prisoners in Ballykinlar Camp. On Nov. 12th and 13th 1921. White paper, 12.8 inches by 7.9 inches. Sent to Mr J.B. MacCarthy by Mr. Tadhg Barry, of Cork, who was shortly afterwards shot by a sentry at the camp.


photograph / Mrs Whelan, Mountjoy Executions

Photograph taken outside Mountjoy Pison, 13 March 1921. Shows Mrs. Whelan, mother of Thomas Whelan, and crowd of people. c.7.5 inches by 5.5 inches.


photograph / Thomas Bryan

Photograph of Thomas Bryan, who was executed in Mountjoy Prison in 1921, with his wife. Head and shoulders. 6.25 inches by 3.75 inches.


photograph / They Murder / The Innocent / In Vengeance, Mountjoy, 1921

Photograph of women outside Mountjoy Prison, 13 March 1921. The women are carrying a banner inscribed: "They Murder / The Innocent / In Vengeance".


photograph / Thomas Whelan, 1921

Thomas Whelan (executed 1921) in prison yard. Walking between a Black and Tan and a warder. Photograph of c.5" by 3".


letter / Patrick White, 1921

Spike Island, 1921 - letter from Rev. J. Callanan c.c. on 1 June, 1921 to Mr. A. White advising him of the execution of his brother, Patrick, the previous night. Accompanying this is a short biographical note by donor, a nephew, on Patrick White's life.