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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from World War I, recruitment


/ Halt! Who goes there?, WWI

Recruitment poster, World War I. ‘Halt! Who goes there? If you are a friend join an Irish regiment and help the brave Irish lads at the Front’. With silhouette of armed British Army soldier on hilltop. Printed by Hill, Siffen and Co., (L.P.A. Ltd.), Grafton Works, London N. W.12609.


recruitment poster / Germany's threat to Ireland!, WWI

Recruitment poster, World War I period. 'Germany's threat to Ireland! The Germans have issued their orders: The Irish Seas are to be own with Mines. Irish Ships are to be sunk. Irish Men, Women and Children are to be sent to their doom without warning. Ireland's Food Supply is to be cut...


recruitment poster / 4 Questions to Clerks and Shop Assistants

Recruitment poster, World War I. A typographical poster, letterpress printed in purple ink on buff paper. It asks four questions of clerks and shop assistants, culminating in the order 'Tell him now, and Join an Irish Regiment today'. All of this within a linear border with stylised floral corner...


recruitment poster / What Have You Done For Ireland?

British Army recruitment poster, World War I. A Typographical poster, letterpress printed in green ink on buff paper. It reads as a poem entitled 'What have You done for ireland?' and is contained in linear border with stylised floral corner motifs. Poem (3 verses), within border, reads - "What...


/ Cardinal Logue and the War, WWI

Recruitment poster, c. 1914-1918. "I Believe Belgium and the treatment of its People will seal the doom of the Kaiser and His Power". Irishmen! Your help is needed to seal Germany's doom, and to save Ireland from Belgium's fate. Join an Irish Regiment Today'. The poster combines serif and...


/ The Man to be Pitied, WWI

A typographical poster, letterpress, printed in blue ink on buff paper. The headlines reading 'The Man to be Pitied' and 'Join an Irish Regiment Today'. A Central Section surrounded by a border describes the lot of the fit man who does not enlist. "He knows what his Country thinks of the Men Who...


recruitment poster / 'Men in the country who desire to Enlist'

Recruitment poster, World War I. In red, blue and green on buff paper reading 'Men in the country who desire to Enlist can, on application to any Police barracks obtain a free Railway Voucher to the nearest Recruiting Office'. Letterpress printed and surrounded by linear border.


poster / An Appeal to gallant Irishmen. WWI

Recruitment poster, 1914-18. Between titles, reads - "Do you hear the voice of heroic Belgium calling for your aid ? Do you know that Cathedrals and Churches have been violated in Belgium, and that Ministers of Religion have been driven from their Churches by the Germans ? Do you know that if...