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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 121 to 137 of 137

Showing results from United States of America


notice / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1978

Ancient Order of Hibernians of America. Leaflet, Senate No. 762. The Commonwealth of Massachustees, 1978, An Act Designating 17 March as a legal holiday.


publication / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1991

Ancient Order of Hibernians of America publication. 86th Biennial Convention of the Massachusetts Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies A.O.H., 27th April 1991. On the 75th Commemoration of the 1916 Rising. With an image of Patrick Pearse and the 1916 Proclamation.


publication / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1987

Ancient Order of Hibernians of America publication. 113th St. Patrick's Day Banquet and Dance, 14th March 1987, Hibernian Hall, Larewnce, Massachusetts. Cover design by Patrick Collins. Reverend James T. O'Reilly, Division 8, Ancient Order of Hibernians.


publication / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1987

Ancient Order of Hibernians of America publication. 113th St. Patrick's Day Banquet and Dance, 14th March 1987, Hibernian Hall, Larewnce, Massachusetts. Cover design by Patrick Collins. Reverend James T. O'Reilly, Division 8, Ancient Order of Hibernians.


souvenir / de Valera, 1919

Match stick, used. Reported to be the actual match used by President Eamon de Valera to light the Christmas Candle when he visited his Mother in America, Christmas, 1919. He lit it at his mother's request.


confederate bond / $5, 1861

Bond for $5, issued by the Confederate States of America, at Richmond Virginia, September 2 1861. Numbered 341.


confederate bond / $10, 1861

Bond for $10, issued by the Confederate States of America, at Richmond Virginia, July 25th 1861. Numbered 10,447.


medal / Congressional Medal of Honour

Congressional Medal of Honour plaque, bearing the names of the Irish born recipients of this highest U.S. military decoration. Irish recipients constitute the largest group of those born outside the U.S. Plaque wooden. In each corner badge of U.S. forces - Army, Navy, Marine and Air. Between top...


photograph / Francis Sheehy Skeffington, 1915

Portrait photograph of Francis Sheehy Skeffington. Taken while in U.S.A. on lecture tour, 1915. He went there after his arrest , imprisonment and hunger strike in Mountjoy jail. Released under "Cat and Mouse" Act.


facsimile / Irish in the American Army, 1776

Facsimile of part of letter from A. Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth; September 25th, 1776. Re. Irish in the American Army. One of two copies. Reproduction by A.F.L. HH:1937.156.4.1-24 - Facsimiles of Documents and Miscellaneous Papers of Irish-American Interest. HH:1937. - facsimile of...


plaque / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1995

Presentation object, wooden, with a brass plaque reading - National Museum of Ireland Gift of A.O.H. and L.A.O.H. Kevin Barry Division 3, Smithstown, New York, August 11 1995.


footwear / Harry Boland, 1919

The boots worn by Harry Boland during his secret trip (in the role of a ship's stoker) to the United States of America, May 1919, as an envoy of Dáil Éireann. Secreted in the soles of the boots were copies of official documents, including Ireland's Claim to Independence, established at the First...


postcard photograph / Dr Patrick McCartan

Postcard photograph of Dr Patrick McCartan of Co. Tyrone,, after his passage as a stoker on a tramp steamer to present the Irish Claim in America.


publication / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1992

Ancient Order of Hibernians of America publication. 118th St. Patrick's Day Banquet and Dance, 14th March 1992, Hibernian Hall, Larewnce, Massachusetts. Dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of the Manchester Martyrs, Allen, Larkin and O'Brien. With a drawn portrait of Captain Timothy Deasy of...


publication / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1992

Ancient Order of Hibernians of America publication. 118th St. Patrick's Day Banquet and Dance, 14th March 1992, Hibernian Hall, Larewnce, Massachusetts. Dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of the Manchester Martyrs, Allen, Larkin and O'Brien. With a drawn portrait of Captain Timothy Deasy of...


publication / Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1991

Ancient Order of Hibernians of America publication. 117th St. Patrick's Day Banquet and Dance. Dedicated to the brave men and women of 1916 who risked all to gain Ireland's freedom. In observance of the 75th Anniversary of the Easter Rising, 1991. Cover design by Kevin Mulligan, member of Division...


political cartoon / Tidings of Great Joy, 1886

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman, titled 'Tidings of Great Joy', 26 August 1886. Depicting Charles Stewart Parnell handing a document titled 'Chicago Convention' to the female figure of Erin. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures etc. taken of Irish History 1798 - 1905. HH:1940.44.2 -...