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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from War of Independence


magazine / The Mentor, April 1921

The Mentor April 1921. Volume 9 Serial Number 218. Article entitled “Ireland Today” by E.M Newman. Re War of Independence.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1921

Lieutenant W.J. Batty, in Tipperary, 1921. In the uniform of the Tank Corps, 17th Battalion. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

A Medium ‘A’ tank in Dublin No. A317, with British Officer posing on top. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Three Medium B tanks, taken in Limerick. British Officer shown on top of one. Taken in a barracks yard. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Soldiers unloading a troopship. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Royal Army Service Corps army lorry bogged down in a road side ditch. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Scene at Cork Railway Station, with mounted soldiers in the foreground. The house marked x relates to the Batty family. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Group of officers and men, mounted unit, possibly Royal Army Service Corps, at a roadside. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps

Officers of the Tank Corps Lieutenant W.J. Batty in middle of group, dressed in an overcoat, to his left is a Major. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Group of officer cadets relating to the Machine Gun Corps, taken in Dublin. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Lieutenant W.J. Batty, walking down a street in Cork. The corner butcher shop in the background has been burned out, probably by the Black and Tans as a reprisal. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

A burned out butcher shop on the corner of a Cork street, being demolished by a Mark V tank. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Group of men in civilian attire. Lieutenant. W.J. Batty (William John) of the 17th Battalion, Tank Corps on the extreme right. Taken in Dublin. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt WJ Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

A Medium ‘A’ tank in a Dublin barracks yard, with two soldiers posing. Tank No. A 317. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

A platoon of British soldiers presenting arms with a flag in the background. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Interior of the Officers' Mess in a Cork barracks. Three orderlies pictures in the background. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Group of Black and Tans in front of armoured car, possibly Rolls Royce, taken in a barracks yard. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Group of officers and men, possibly Royal Army Service Corps, at a roadside, lorry in foreground. Different view of HA:2010.11.15. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Three Mark V tanks, taken in Dublin. Two tanks numbered in 945 and 793. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.


photograph / Lt W.J. Batty, Tank Corps, 1920/21

Group of men of the Tank Corps posed in front of a Mark V tank. In front of what appears to be a barracks building. Selection of photographs taken by Lt WJ Batty of the 17th Battalion Tank Corps during his service in Ireland 1920/21.