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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from War of Independence

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pass / RHK, Mary Sheridan 1921

Royal Hospital Kilmainham pass, made out to Mary Sheridan, photograph included. Dated 30 July 1921, valid until end of year. Signed by John Steele, Lt. Colonel Commandant, Royal Hospital Kilmainham.


photograph / Eamon de Valera, Mansion House, 1921

Photograph of President Eamon de Valera arriving at the Mansion House for a meeting in 1921.


photograph / Mansion House, Dublin

Photograph; Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin, with crowd gathered outside. An American stars and strips flag hanging from an upper floor window. Undated.


photograph / Mansion House Group, 1919-1921

(Cashman 240) War of Independence. Photograph. Group taken outside Mansion House, Dublin. Left to right - General MacEoin, Sean Moylan, General O'Duffy, Liam Lynch, Gearoid O'Sullivan and Liam Mellows.


photograph / River Dodder, Ballsbridge, 1920

(Cashman 244) War of Independence. Photograph. British soldiers retrieving ammunition from the Dodder at Ballsbridge, Dublin, 1920.


photograph / Black and Tans, Cork, 1921

(Cashman 45) Photograph of group of Crown Auxiliaries, or Black and Tans, outside their headquarters at Union Quay Barracks, Cork, 1921. Note the wired cage on the armoured truck and the variety of uniforms and headgear.


photograph / Blackpool Bridge, Cork, c.1920

(Cashman 77) Thomas Mac Curtain. Photograph of home of Thomas MacCurtain, Blackpool Bridge, Cork. Shopfront, No. 40.


photograph / College Street, 1921

(Cashman 125) War of Independence. Photograph of British "Tommies" guard a disabled armoured car in College Street, Dublin, 1921.


/ L'Illustration, 27 August 1921, de Valera

Page for "L'Illustration", 27 August 1921, with photograph of Eamon de Valera, President, leaving the Mansion House.


revolver / Mallow Military Barracks, 1920

A revolver captured at Mallow Military Barracks, 1920. American Smith & Wesson 6-shot .45 calibre revolver, seemingly an earlier model than that of 1917 - the barrel is longer than the 1917 model. Solid frame with swingout cylinder. On circular brass plates on butt and again on frame monogram of...


painting / General Eoin O'Duffy

Portrait of General Eoin O'Duffy. Oils, by Micheal De Loore, 1939 (signed). In gilt frame with two silver plates with name of subject and Donor's names. Head and shoulders portrait of O'Duffy in civilian clothes.


souvenir / Custom House, 1921

Round shot from the Custom House, 1921. An old musket ball said to have been used as a paperweight. (see EW 4415).


figure / Douglas Hyde, 1907

Plaster bust of Dr. Douglas Hyde, by J. Carré, 1907. This bust was in the office of the Gaelic League at Connradh Offices, 25 Parnell Square when the building was raided by the Black and Tans, 1920 or 1921. One of the raiders broke the nose with the butt of his gun. It is not known when the bust...


note / Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921

Arthur Griffith ms. message re Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921. Written for issue to the World Press immediately after signing the Treaty on 6 December 1921. It reads: "I have signed a Treaty of peace between Ireland and Great Britain. I believe that treaty will lay foundations of peace and friendship...


photograph / Longford Election, 1917

(Cashman 33) Longford Election 1917. Photograph of supporters of Irish Parliamentary Party at Longford Election, 1917 - a different group EW39 (Purch.). Note the British Army recruitment posters on the wall.


photograph / D'Olier Street, Dublin, 1920-1921

(Cashman 121) War of Independence. Photograph of a military cordon around D'Olier Street, Dublin - "Tommies" are seen holding back the crowd on O'Connell Bridge at the point of bayonet. 1920-1921.


photograph / Bread counter, Gardiner Street

(Cashman 126) War of Independence. Photograph of a bread counter in Gardiner Street near Summerhill. Portion of the district was cordoned off at the time by the British Military and Black and Tans, searching for arms.


newspaper cutting / Joe Bennett

Newspaper obituary for Joe Bennett of Kerry, who participated in the Irish Civil War. Found stored with EW.Temp.182, The War of Independence Service Medal.


order / I.R.A. Intelligence, 1921

Order to attend Battalion Intelligence Officers meeting on Sunday 21st August 1921 at 3pm, Keane's Farmhouse, Crushea, Ardmore.


letter / Fleming Family

Postcard, addressed to Michael Fleming at Clarenbridge, Co. Galway, from Seamas?, at Enniscorthy 27 June 1917. Found within a copy of a prayer book, in Irish, 'Torsaidheacht air Lorg Chriosta', belonging to Michael Fleming, and containing a number of letters, obituaries and other mementoes of the...