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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 341 to 360 of 443

Showing results from War of Independence

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footwear / Harry Boland

A pair of brown shoes worn by Harry Boland when he was the guest of the Mr Joseph McGarrity in Philedelphia. The shoes were found in the Casement trunk, which Mr McGarrity donated to the state via the Presidential Office of Eamon de Valera.


footwear / Harry Boland, 1919

The boots worn by Harry Boland during his secret trip (in the role of a ship's stoker) to the United States of America, May 1919, as an envoy of Dáil Éireann. Secreted in the soles of the boots were copies of official documents, including Ireland's Claim to Independence, established at the First...


revolver holster / Liam Mellows

Revolver holster used by Liam Mellows. Note attaached when received written by Mrs M. Woods reads 'This was one of Liam Mellows' holsters'. Brown leather holster, brass buckles, with belt straps. No maker's mark.


newspaper / Labour Leader, 30 Dec. 1920

Issue of the newspaper 'Labour Leader', 30 December 1920, Vol. 17, no. 53. With title article 'A New Year "Sursum Corda!"


newspaper / Labour Leader, 27 Jan 1921

Issue of the newspaper 'Labour Leader', 27 January 1921, Vol. 18, no.4. With title article 'Foreign Policy , Political Action and Employment'.


newspaper / Labour Leader, 10 June 1921

Issue of the newspaper 'Labour Leader', 10 June 1921, Vol. 18, no.23. With title article '5,000,000 Workers Up Against it'.


automatic pistol / 'G' Man, 1916

'G' Man pistol, 1916. Webley & Scott 7.65 mm. 1911 model automatic. Given to Seán O'Duffy by the 'G' man who protected General Maxwell, and who subsequently was of considerable help in passing on information re for example, the "German Plot" arrests of 1918 and the plan to arrest de Valera on the...


photograph / Hunger Strike, 1920

1920 Hunger Strike. 13" x 19". Fr. Albert and a large crowd watching ambulance men removing a prisoner on a stretcher having brought him from Mountjoy to the Mater.


demonstration grenade / Demonstration, IRA, 1921

Hand grenade used for demonstration purposes by the I.R.A., 1921. A section of the case (ovoid, slotted, c.3.5" high by 2.5" across - greatest diameter) is cut away showing detonating apparatus. Latter and pin,...


photograph / Royal Irish Constabulary, Withdrawal, 1922

(Cashman 159) Royal Irish Constabulary. Photograph of the Royal Irish Constabulary - a semi-military force under British Rule - are here shown evacuating their quarters in Dublin Castle, February 1922 to give place to the Gárda Siochána.


document / Nicholas Moroney, 3rd Tipperary Brigade

Wallet, in brown leather; containing various documents and personal belongings. Property of Nicholas Moroney, of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade, 7th Battalion. Contains lists including lists of raids, injuries and deaths during the War of Independence and Civil War, lists of election results in 1932,...


newspaper / Nicholas Moroney, 3rd Tipperary Brigade

Battalion listing of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade. Various letters, notes and newspaper articles. Property of Nicholas Moroney, of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade, 7th Battalion. Contains lists including lists of raids, injuries and deaths during the War of Independence and Civil War, lists of election...


neck tie / Nicholas Moroney, 3rd Tipperary Brigade

Red neck tie with gold dotted design. Property of Nicholas Moroney, of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade, 7th Battalion.


photograph / Thomas Whelan, 1921

Photograph. Mounted on card. Showing Thomas Whelan walking between a prison guard and an army guard. Mountjoy, 1921.


signal pistol / Ballytrain R.I.C. Barracks, 1920

Verey Light Signal pistol. Captured in attack on Ballytram (Ballytrain) R.I.C. Barracks, Co. Monaghan, February 1920.


souvenir / Frongoch, 1916

Rugby football used by the prisoners to play Gaelic football in Frongoch, 1916. Brought out of the camp on their release in December 1916. It originally bore the inscription "1916 Frongoch", marks remain where this was defaced by some ladies in whose possession it was during the War of...


buckshot mould / Irish Volunteers, 1918

Buckshot or slug mould, made in 1918 and used by Irish Volunteers. Iron, consisting of two shafts, each 17" long, attached by iron pin forming a hinge. For half the length of each the portion towards the hinge is oblong in section. Remaining portion of each of circular section and forming handle....


photograph / Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh, 1919

Photograph of Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh, Irish envoy at Paris entering the office of M. Clemenceau Prime Minister of France to present Dáil Éireann's request that Ireland's Case be given a hearing at the Peace Conference, Paris, 1919.


photograph / Michael O'Callaghan

Photograph of Michael O'Callaghan. The murdered Mayor of Limerick. Killed by the Black and Tans on 7th March 1921 With signature. Framed. Studio photograph by Egleston Brothers, Limerick.


mask / Terence MacSwiney, 1920

Death mask of Terence MacSwiney. Plaster cast by Albert Power of the R.H.A. 1920.