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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 381 to 400 of 443

Showing results from War of Independence

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prison mug / Countess Markievicz

Mug (and spoon), Prison Commission, used by Countess Markievicz during her second imprisonment by the British (1918). They were subsequently given by her to the Irish Citizen Army Theatrical Class. The mug was damaged during the Black and Tan Raid on Liberty Hall.


internment order / Peadar O Cearnaigh, Ballykinlar, 1920

Internment order, 1920, committing (Peter) Peadar Kearney of 3 Richmond Parade, Dublin, to Ballykinlar Internment Camp. Dated 10 December 1920.


prison token / Ballykinlar Camp 2, 1921

Five Ballykinlar prison tokens. Cardboard with linen face, circular -- values: 3d; 6d; 1/- (two varieties, one printed on obverse in red and green, other in black and green); 5/-. Printed by O'Loughlin, Murphy and Boland, Dublin. All bearing on the obverse 'Campa a dó' (Camp 2).


photograph / The Truce, 1921

(Cashman 235) The Truce. After a momentous session, Arthur Griffith and Eamon de Valera leave the Mansion House together following the Truce negotiations with the British.


photograph / Ballykinlar Internment Camp, 1920-1921

Photograph of prisoners in Ballykinlar. Group of prisoners, Ballykinlar Internment Camp, No. 1, 1920-1921, Hut 16 - "C" Company. Following names printed below - First Row (top) - Edward Travers, James McArdle, Wm. Kelly, Michael Kenny. Second Row - P. Kavanagh, Art O'Donnell, T. Harmon, J....


photograph / Black and Tans, 1921

(Cashman 44) Photograph of type of Black and Tans / Auxiliaries, King George's Hospital sports, Dublin 1921.


prison autograph album / Ballykinlar Camp, 1921

Autograph book, belonging to P.S. O'Ceannáin, Ballykinlar Internment Camp, Co. Down, 1921. Hut 24, Camp 2.


scrapbook / 1916 Rising

Album or scrapbook containing clippings of Nationalistic sentiment, Easter Rising 1916, early 20th century.


map / Ballykinlar Internment Camp, 1920-1921

Map of Ballykinlar Internment Camp, made between 1920 and 1921. Hand drawn and coloured, showing position of huts and recreation field in Camp 2.


photograph / Ballykinlar No.1 Internment Camp, 1920-21

Box file of material relating to Sean Lemass. Including photocopies of letters and photographs, newspaper clippings, ‘Time’ magazine of July 12 1963 featuring Seán Lemass on the cover, two memorial cards, and a copy of a photograph of Ballykinlar No.1 Internment Camp, Irish Republican Prisoners,...


forage cap / Connaught Rangers, Daly, 1920

Forage cap, khaki, worn by J.J. Daly, Connaught Rangers, who was executed in India, 1920. No marks or badge. Connaught Rangers Mutiny, 1920.


photograph / Train search, Gortalea and Farranfore, Kerry, February 1921

Photograph of officers searching a passenger's luggage on board a train between Gortalea and Farranfore Station, Co. Kerry, dated 17 February 1921. The train was held up between the stations and surrounded by British Troops who then searched all aboard.


drawing / Terence MacSwiney, Brixton, 1920

Charcoal drawing of Terence MacSwiney on his death-bed. While two figures representing English civil and military authorities stand by and remark: "Il est plus grand que nous". Made by a Breton artist, A. Benesseck, in 1920. 16.25" by 12.625".


light signal pistol / Drangan Barracks, 1920

Very light signal pistol by Webley and Scott, which was taken at the capture of the Drangan R.I.C. Barracks, Co. Tipperary early in 1920 and subsequently presented by the Officers of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade to Mrs Joseph Delany. Her house was very frequently used by Southern Officers during the...


photograph / Anglo-Irish Truce, 1921

(Cashman 235) The Anglo-Irish Truce, 1921. After a momentous session, Arthur Griffith and Eamon de Valera leave the Mansion House together following the Truce negotiations with the British.


photograph / Anglo-Irish Peace Conference Delegation, 1921

Photograph of Eamon de Valera talking to another man at an open train carriage. Probably the Anglo-Irish Peace Conference Delegation, October 1921, leaving from Westland Row train station for Dun Laoghaire.


photograph / Anglo-Irish Peace Conference Delegation, 1921

Photograph of Anglo-Irish Peace Conference Delegation, group including Eamon de Valera, October 1921, at Westland Row Station, departing for Dun Laoghaire.


internment order / james Miller, Curragh, 1921

Detention order served on James Miller, Montrath for internment at Curragh, 11 April 1921. Printed form.


ammunition / Dublin

Cast iron hand grenade case (empty), similar to No.9 grenade as made in Dublin, segmented, egg-shaped 4.7" long by 2.5" greatest diam.


photograph / Griffith & de Valera, Mansion House Peace Conference, 1921

Postcard photograph of Arthur Griffith T.D. and Eamon de Valera T.D. at the Mansion House Peace Conference, 4th July 1921.