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Showing results 61 to 80 of 173

Showing results from Act of Union, 1801

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collection card / Loyal National Repeal Association, 1840s

Collection card used by a Repeal Warden, 1840s. Loyal National Repeal Association. Blank copy.


text / Daniel O'Connell

Text document in mirror image. Inscription for monument, Daniel O'Connell lay the first stone, 30th March 1843.


coatee / 1782 Club, James Spring, c. 1846

Uniform coatee of the 1782 Club, worn by James Spring, circa 1846. Green cloth with fifteen gold coloured buttons, '1782' on each of them. Dark green velvet cuffs and collar, embroidered with shamrocks.


trousers / 1782 Club, James Spring, c. 1846

Uniform trousers of the 1782 Club, worn by James Spring, circa 1846. Green cloth with a gold stripe / braid.


cap / 1782 Club, James Spring, 1846

Uniform hat or cap of the 1782 Club, worn by James Spring, circa 1846.


membership card / James Spring, 1840

Membership card of The Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland. Made out to James Spring of Eccles Street, Dublin. Dated 22 December 1840, signed T.M. Ray as Secretary, numbered 2259. Red wax seal bottom left of centre.


membership card / Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland, 1843

Membership card of The Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland, 1843. Made out to James Spring of Eccles Street, Dublin. Renewal of subscription, paid £1 on 13 March 1843, for 1842. Joined 19 December 1840. Signed T.M. Ray as Secretary. Red wax seal bottom left centre.


membership card / James Spring, 1844

Membership card of The Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland, 1844. Made out to James Spring of Eccles Street, Dublin. Renewal of subscription, paid £1. Dated 5 February 1844, signed T.M. Ray as Secretary.


membership card / James Spring, 1846

Membership card of The Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland, 1846. Made out to James Spring of Eccles Street, Dublin. Renewal of subscription, paid £1. Dated 13 April 1846, signed T.M. Ray as Secretary.


receipt / 1782 Club

A receipt for James Spring's subscription to the 1782 Club, written in manuscript on an envelope. Dated 15 April 1845.


notice / Rules of the 1782 Club

List of rules of the 1782 Club. Previously owned by James Spring.


card / Loyal National Repeal Association, 1843

Loyal National Repeal Association membership card, belonging to Mr Patrick Griffin, dated 4th July 1843. Signed Thomas Mathew Ray (print) as Secretary. Printed in Crow Street, Dublin, probably by Holbrooke.


card / Loyal National Repeal Association, 1844

Loyal National Repeal Association membership card, belonging to Mr Patrick Magee, having paid one shilling subscription. Dated 24 June 1844. Signed Thomas Mathew Ray (print) as Secretary.


card / National Association, 1840

National Association of Ireland, to Obtain Full and Prompt Justice, or Repeal. Membership card, belonging to Mr James Magee, dated 13th July 1840, with seal impression of Thomas M. Ray's monogram. Card numbered 247.


stick / Thomas Ray

Walking stick, wood with an ivory plate on the handle, of Thomas M. Ray. Engraved with the year '1842'.


button / Thomas Davis / Repeal of the Union

Repeal Button. Brass, about 1840. Incised around GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, REPEAL OF THE UNION.# In relief is a harp below a five-pointed crown; a shamrock on either side of it; below, AGITATE. No mark on back. Written in ink on the piece of paper in which button wrapped on receipt, and which had, in...


note / Thomas Davis

Note written on bottom of thin paper, written by his sister of Thomas Davis, authenticating his Repeal button. 'Poor Tom Davis' Repeal button, which he my darling brother used to wear, but soon put down the use of by most sensible persons'.


teapot / O'Connell Repeal Teapot

O'Connell Repeal teapot. Pottery, about 1845. Length 12 inches, height 7 inches. On either side, and on either side of the lid, a print of Daniel O'Connell holding a poster inscribed 'The Repeal of the Union' with a seascape in the background and Daniel O'Connell M.P. divided by his head. On a...


souvenir / Daniel O'Connell

Umbrella belonging to Daniel O'Connell. Eight ribbed, torn brown silk cloth and brass tip with bone handle engraved on white ivory disc 'D. O'Connell Esq. M.P.'. Wood and metal framed. Belonged to Daniel O'Connel.


propaganda / Anti-Union, 1819

Anti Union Propaganda Sheet. 1st January 1819 in form of a credit note undertaking to pay 'Rory O'Bogg' 2d. 'when the Union of the kingdoms shall have produced a union of Civil and Religious principles'. Signed by 'Pat Potatoe'.