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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 7 results

Showing results from Williamite Wars, commemoration


seal ring / Williamite Memorial, 1701

Williamite Memorial Seal-Ring. Silver inset with cornelian with an incuse device of a griffin on a turret. The brass mount of the stone is engraved with Masonic symbols and the inside of the ring itself with the legend 'Jefferies Obt Dec 1701 agd 97' and more crudely scratched 'Ubique' and (?)...


membership certificate / Orange Order, Clonmel, 1855

Orange Order membership certificate, Clonmel, 1855, admitting William Kenny to membership of Schomberg Lodge, no. 1859, in Degrees of Orange and Purple. Signed by Master, Secretary and Treasurer and complete with Ribbon and Wax Impression of the seal. Dated 29 January 1855.


statue / King William III Equestrian

Miniature model of the King William III equestrian statue on College Green, Dublin, by Grinling Gibbons. Statue of full-length male figure on horseback, mounted on a pedestal, inscribed on each side, and enclosed by railings. 'King Wm III of Glorious Memory Born No. 4th 1650', 'Died March 8th...


plate / Williamite Commemoration

Williamite Commemorative pottery wall plaque. Transfer printed, green border. Depicting King Willliam on white horse to right. The slogan NO SURRENDER below. 9 x 8 inches.


plate / Williamite Commemoration

Williamite plaque, 19th century. 8 1/2 inch by 7 1/2 inch. Dish shaped, pink edges with two holes on top overlap for suspension. In base of dish, King Billy looking to left on a white horse going right a sword in his outstretched right arm, over the slogan NO SURRENDER.


badge / Battle of the Boyne, 300th Anniversary

Badge, gilt and enaamel; in commemoration the 300th Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, 1990.


figure / William III, College Green

Metal section, skirt frill, of the equestrian statue of William III, College Green, Dublin. Designed by Grinling Gibbons, the statue was erected in College Green on 1 July 1701, at the expense of the citizens. It was the first public monument erected in the capital. It was subject to periodical...