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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 202

Showing results from 1916 Rising, Commemoration


commemorative medal / 1916 Rising / de Valera, 1941

Commemorative medal, gold, in the shape of Ireland. Commemoration of the 1916 Rising. Depiction of an Irish Volunteer with the GPO in the background on the obverse. Inscription in Irish on the reverse, to An Taoiseach Eamon de Valera, in rememberance of the 1916 Rising, 1941. Hallmarked.


platter / 1916-1966, de Valera

Salver, silver by Goldsmiths Co., Dublin. Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the 1916 Rising, 1966. Presented to Eamon de Valera. With inscription in Irish.


1916 50th Anniversary Medal / Eamon de Valera

Service medal of Eamon de Valera. 1916 Jubilee Medal (1966), 50th Anniversary Medal.


box / Bolands Mills, 1966

Letter opener, gold, in wooden presentation box with silver plate with dedication in Irish Presented by Bolands to President Eamon de Valera on his visit to Bolands Bakery in 1966 with the surviving members of the Bolands Mills Garrison. Made by Fanning & Son Ltd, Jewellers, 18 Fleet Street,...


1916 50th Anniversary Medal / Robert de Coeur

Medal, bronze, awarded to captain Robert de Coeur for participation in 1916 Rising. 1916 Survivors medal.


roll of honour / Boland's Mills Garrison

Bound book of illuminated address and roll pages - Boland's Mills Garrison Roll of Honour, as presented to Eamon de Valera.


list / Roll of Honour, 1916 Rising

Roll of Honour, 1916 Rising. Comprised of 44 pages, it consists of the signatures of the active participants in the Easter Rising, 1916. Arranged by Garrison (15) - General Post Office (GPO), Boland's Mills, Jacob's Factory, Four Courts, Cabra Bridge, Marrowbone Lane, Mendicity Institute, South...


medal / Feis Colmcille / Jack Dunne, Bolands Mills Garrison

‘Feis Colmcille’ medal. Silver and enamel, with neo-Celtic silverwork. Awarded to John (Jack) Dunne.


service certificate / Sean O'Keefe, 1916-1921

Oglaigh na hEireann Service Certificate, 1916 to 1921. Issued to veterans in 1941. Issued to Sean O'Keefe, 3rd Battalion, B Company of Irish Volunteers (Boland's Mills Garrison in 1916).


1916 Medal / Seán O'Keeffe, 1916-1921

Medal awarded to participants in the 1916 Rising, in 1941. Awarded to Volunteer Seán O'Keeffe, who served in Boland's Mill under Commandant Eamon de Valera and was later interned in Frongoch Internment Camp. Bronze, in the shape of an eight-pointed star with flames between the points, making up...


postcard / Easter 1918

Memorial postcard for the Rising, produced for Easter 1918.


pin badge / John MacBride

Popular pin badge of John MacBride. Metal with photograph insert.


cameo brooch / Winifred Carney / Grace Gifford

Brooch presented to Winifred Carney from Grace Gilford. Cameo brooch in gold frame, engraved on back 'To Winifred Carney from Grace Plunkett in Memory of April 29th, 1916'. Elliptical convex plate, 2" by 13/5", of shell or similar substance, white, opaque with head of female, hair wreathed in...


illustration / Leabhar na h-Aiséirghe, Second Milesians page

Illustration, Leabhar na hAiséirghe, by Art Ó Murnaghan. Page seven of book. The Second Milesians Page or Second Amairgen Page. Coming of the Milesians (2)


illustration / Leabhar na h-Aiséirghe, The Pearse or Teacher Page

Illustration, Leabhar na h-Aiséirghe by Art Ó Murnaghan. Page twelve of book. The Pearse Page or Teacher Page.


illustration / Leabhar na h-Aiséirghe, 'Men of the Harbours'

Illustration, Leabhar na h-Aiséirghe by Art Ó Murnaghan, Dublin, 1924 to 1951. Page nineteen of book. 'Men of the Harbours'.


illustration / Leabhar na h-Aiséirghe, The Meath Page

Illustration, Leabhair na hAiséirghe by Art O'Murnaghan. Page twenty of book. The Meath Page.


illustration / Leabhar na h-Aiséirghe, The Artist's Page.

Illustration, Leabhar na hAiséirghe, by Art Ó Murnaghan. The last page of book. The Artist's Page.


illustration / Leabhair na h-Aiséirghe, The Terence MacSwiney Page

Illustration, Leabhair na hAiséirghe by Art O'Murnaghan. The Terence MacSwiney Page.


illustration / Leabhar na hÁiséirghe, The Leinster Page

Illustration, Leabhair na hAiséirghe by Art O'Murnaghan. The Leinster Page.