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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 241 to 254 of 254

Showing results from 1916 Rising, Aftermath


photograph / Smith Album, 1916

A mounted print, snapshot size, of the General Post Office after the Rising, 1916 1916 photograph album, with photographs showing various scenes of destruction and activity in the immediate aftermath of the Rising.


booklet / Great Irish Relief Fund Bazaar, 1916

1916 Programme of the Great Irish Relief Fund Bazaar. Held at Madison Square Garden, New York, October 14-22, 1916. Contains an article by Nora Connolly.


photographic slide / Irish Prisoners released from British Jails, 1917

Photographic slide. Group of ten persons, Irish Prisoners released from British Jails, 1917. Probably taken near Oxford. Included are Sean T. O'Kelly and Darrell Figgis.


photograph / Captain Harry de Courcy Wheeler, 1916

Photograph. Major (then captain) Harry de Courcy Wheeler standing beside the ambulance in which Countess Markievicz was taken to the coutmartial, and carrying the walking stick which had been given him by Commandant Michael Mallin. The photograph was taken after he had given evidence at the...


photograph / Roger Casement and Robert Monteith

Postcard photograph showing Roger Casement and Robert Monteith on the Kerry Coast. A montage photograph.


photograph / Smith Album, 1916

A mounted print, snapshot size, of British troops resting at the corner of Grafton Street, north Trinity College Dublin, at Yeates and Son Opticians, 29th April. 1916 photograph album, with photographs showing various scenes of destruction and activity in the immediate aftermath of the Rising.


photograph / Smith Album, 1916

A mounted print, snapshot size, of shellmarks on the Chancery Place side of the Four Courts. 1916 photograph album, with photographs showing various scenes of destruction and activity in the immediate aftermath of the Rising.


photograph / Smith Album, 1916

A mounted print, snapshot size, of the gunfire damage to the White House, off Moore Lane. 1916 photograph album, with photographs taken to show various scenes of destruction and activity in the immediate aftermath of the Rising and later of the executions of the leaders.


photograph / Smith Album, 1916

A mounted print, snapshot size, of Irish rebel prisoners being escorted by the British Military towards Kingsbridge Terminal (Heuston Station), G.S.&W. Railway. 1916 photograph album, with photographs showing various scenes of destruction and activity in the immediate aftermath of the Rising.


billy can / Jacob's Factory, 1916

Billy can, captured by British troops in Jacob's Factory, 1916.


photograph / Manfield's corner, 1916

(Cashman 17) 1916 Rising. Photograph of taking down buildings after Easter Week, 1916. Manfield's corner, O'Connell Street.


bullet / Mount Street Bridge, 1916 Rising

Set of seven lead bullets, or slugs, stated to have been fired from a shotgun, and found in brick wall near Mount Street Bridge after the battle which took place there during the 1916 Rising.


photograph / Mount Street Bridge and Clanwilliam Place, 1916

Photograph showing the destruction at Mount Street Bridge and Clanwilliam House. Taken immediately after the Rising, 1916.


newspaper article / L'illustration, Dublin 1916

Newspaper cutting - "L'illustration", May 1916, full page with pictures of the aftermath of the Easter Rising in Dublin, the Four Courts, barricades, rebels, O'Connell Bridge, Liberty Hall and the G.P.O.