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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from 1803 Rebellion


booklet / Memoir of Robert Emmet and the Irish Insurrection of 1803

Memoir of Robert Emmet and the Irish Insurrection of 1803. With the Trial of Emmet for High Treason, his memorable speech etc. Booklet, published by Cleeve of Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, London.


statue / Lord Norbury

Bust of John Toler, first Earl of Norbury (1740 - 1831), Lord Norbury, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. Presided over the trial of Robert Emmet, 1803. Plaster cast of original by Peter Turnerelli (1774 - 1839).


resource / Robert Emmet's Hangman

Robert Emmet's Hangman. Article re Michael Mullen ex Western Journal, 29.2.1980.


engraving / Robert Emmet

Robert Emmet. Mounted full plate photograph of Comerford's drawing. Photograph of print or engraving of Robert Emmet in side profile. Comerford's drawing made at the trial, now in the possession of the Emmet Family.


speech / Speech of Robert Emmet, 1803

The Speech of Robert Emmet Esq. as delivered at the Session House, Dublin, before Lord Norbury, one of the Chief Justices, on being found guilty of high treason, as leader of the insurrection of 1803. Text of speech, printed on silk. Circa 1833.


resource / 1798 / 1803

Four articles from The Irish Press, August and September 1953. 'Arthur, Roger and Feargus; The Mad O'Connors', 'Leonard McNally; The Great Rogue', 'Castlebar will recall the Great Races', 'Reluctant Traitors; Two Tragedies of '03'.


portrait / Arthur Wolfe, 1798

Framed drawing of Arthur Wolfe, former Attorney General, later Lord Kilwarden, Chief Justice of Ireland (1798). Chief Justice at the time of John Clinch's death and Fr. Harold's transportation. He did his best to save Fr. Harold but was overruled by lord Castlereagh. He lived at Newlands and was...


portrait / Robert Emmet

Framed portrait of Robert Emmet, in chalk and watercolour. "1778 - 1803" underneath.


postcard / Dirty Lane, 1803

Postcard of "Dirty Lane" off Thomas Street, where Robert Emmet's principal depot for arms, etc., was situated.


witness stand / Robert Emmet, 1803

Witness box from Green Street Court House, Dublin. Used there until 1850. This witness box was used in the trial of Robert Emmet for his role in the 1803 Rebellion, was presided over by Lord Norbury. Emmet gave his famous speech from this dock. John Mitchell was also tried in this dock, and also...