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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from France


medal / International Labour Organisation / de Valera, 1969

Medal, gold, circular. International Labour Organisation. Presented to Eamon de Valera, 1969.


presentation plaque / France / O Ceallaigh

Presentation plaque, brass. Highly decorated in high relief with historical scenes. Reverse reads 'Paris a Monsieur Sean T. O Ceallaigh President d'Irlande'.


statuette / Napoleon I

Statuette, bronze, cast and chased; Napoleon Bonaparte I.


illustration / Regiment of Buckeley, 1744

One of a collection of three illustrations in one frame: each illustration is of an officer in a Wild Geese Regiment (Buckeley 1744, (facing right) Lee 1733, Clare 1755 (yellow facings). On the frame written underneath is 1690-Semper et Oblique -1792. On the frame above the illustrations is...


illustration / Regiment of Lee, 1733

One of a collection of three illustrations in one frame: each illustration is of an officer in a Wild Geese Regiment (Buckeley 1744, (facing right) Lee 1733, Clare 1755 (yellow facings). On the frame written underneath is 1690-Semper et Oblique -1792. On the frame above the illustrations is...


illustration / Regiment of Clare, 1755

One of a collection of three illustrations in one frame: each illustration is of an officer in a Wild Geese Regiment (Buckeley 1744, (facing right) Lee 1733, Clare 1755 (yellow facings). On the frame written underneath is 1690-Semper et Oblique -1792. On the frame above the illustrations is...


illustration / Regiment of Lee, 1793

Illustration of Officer in Regiment of Lee 1793: France. Original illustrations by William. F. Doyle ARHA, Irish, late nineteenth century On the back is written Major O'Meagher and details of his service from 1703, to 1734


illustration / Irish Brigade in French Army, 18th century

Illustration of officer of Irish Brigade in French Army. 18th century. No details on the back.


photograph / The Irish Party's French Mission, 1915

Postcard photograph, printed. The Irish Party's French Mission, 1915. Group photograph.


commission / Dillon Regiment, 1688

Commission paper given to Walter Philips by Richard Earl of Tyrconnell, who was representing the King, to be the Captain of a Company in Dillon's Regiment, 1688. One sheet, seal missing. See D'Alton: Irish Army List of King James, Vol. 2, pp. 242, 281.


commission / Dillon Regiment, 1688

Commission, paper, one sheet with seal missing, given to Miles Swyny by Richard Earl of Tyrconnel to act as ensign in Walter Philips' company, Dillon's Regiment, 1688. (See D'Alton: Irish Army List of King James, Vol. 2, pp. 242.)


information sheet / Irish Brigade, France, c. 1770

Irish Brigade c. 1770 in France. Sheet of drawings, printed in colours of the uniforms and colours of the regiments of the Irish Brigade in France, and of on Scottish Regiment, 18th Century, and four printed pages of text (in French) regarding their regiments. Uniform coats and hats of the...


miniature / Colonel Edmond Redmond Shee

Portrait miniature of Colonel Edmond Redmond Shee, an Irish born Officer of cavalry in Napoleons Army (13th Chausseurs). He was born at Rathduff, Kilkenny in 1775 and entered French Service in 1791. Painted in oil on ivory / shell and framed.


photograph / Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, 1974-76

Photograph of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, President of France , in silver frame, signed with dedication to President Cearbhaill Ó Dálaigh, (1974-1976).


drawing / Irish Brigades in France, 1770

The Irish Brigades in France, 1770. Coloured print depicting 5 uniformed men under their flags with the legend below "Les Regiments de Bulkeley, de Roscommon, de Dillon, de Berwick, et de Clare - (Irlandais) - on 1770.


propaganda / A Frenchman's View of the Irish Question, 1918

Unionist Propaganda c. 1918. Single printed sheet entitled 'A Frenchman's View of the Irish Question' - sections on and from Exonflaire's L'Irlande Enemie? Published by Northern Whig newspaper.


print / Count Arthur Dillon

Portrait print of Count Arthur Dillon.


trench map / France Sheet 57d S.E. Edition 2. B.

One of three French trench maps. France Sheet 57d S.E. Edition 2. B. Sheets. Folded. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI.


trench map / France Sheet 57d S.E. Edition 2. B.

One of three French trench maps. France Sheet 57d S.E. Edition 2. B. Sheets. Folded. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Signed by Burke.


trench map / France Sheet 62d N.W. Edition 2. B.

One of three French trench maps. France Sheet 62d N.W. Edition 2. B. Sheets. Folded. Belonging to Captain Richard Burke of the Royal Irish Regiment, WWI. Signed by Burke.