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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Dundalk


drawing / Connradh na Gaedhilge

Original drawing, or design, hand painted cloth badge and set of stencils for the Connradh na Gaedhilge Oireachtas in Dundalk in 1916. By Art Ó Murnaghan.


resource / A Succinct Detail of Some Proceedings At Dundalk, 1781

'A Succinct Detail of Some Proceedings At Dundalk' (1781). Xeroxprint of 1956 reprint (in Tempest's Annual) of contemporarty account of the Read/Clanbrassil feud.


presentation box / William Cosgrave / Dundalk

Silver presentation cigarette box. With three compartments inscribed “Presented to President Cosgrave by P.J. Carroll & Co. Ltd. on the occasion of his first visit to their Dundalk Factory. 3rd December 1926”.


map / Dundalk, 1907

Ordnance Survey map of Louth (Lower Dundalk). Sheet IV.16. A single house has been circled in pencil and inscribed "Mr. McDermott's house". Published by the Director General at the Ordnance Survey Office, Phoenix Park, Dublin 1909. Surveyed in 1907, re-printed in 1925. (presented to Mr. L.S.Gogan,...


carrier pigeon capsule / Pigeon Post, 1918

Pigeon Post, 1918. Capsule for affixing to carrier pigeon leg with English Army flimsy docket and pencilled message thereon accompanying it. Note to Headquarters at the Dublin Park Gate, from Dundalk Barracks, dated 22 May 1918, signed Coropral Hill or Hall.