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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 171

Showing results from Land Movement


match box / Land League

Matchbox, The Land League matchbox. With a portrait of Charles Stewart Parnell, and a Landlord and Tenant scene. Made by Patterson & Co., Dublin and Belfast, c. 1880.


letter / Ladies Irish National Land League, 1881

Letter, handwritten in ink, from Anna Parnell to a Miss Walsh. On headed notepaper of the Irish National Land League, with 'Ladies' inserted by hand above. Office at 39 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin, Dated 7th April 1881. Mentioning a Margaret Byrne, a Mrs Brennan, and discussing providing aid to...


membership card / Children's Irish National Land League, 1880s

Membership card of the Children's Irish National Land League, 1880s. Blank example.


membership card / Irish National Land League, 1880s

Membership card of the Irish National Land League, 1880s. Blank example. Signed John McEllis or McEllen.


box / Land League

Matchbox, "The Land League Match" printed thereon; picture of Charles Stewart Parnell on one side and a depiction of a conversation between a land lord and tenant on the other. Made by Paterson & Co. Ltd., Dublin and Belfast, about 1880.


document / Heads of Bill for Improving the condition of Agricultural Labourers in Ireland

Manuscript, rough draft of Bill by Charles Stewart Parnell entitled 'Heads of Bill for Improving the condition of Agricultural Labourers in Ireland'. Two pages with another folded page covering them. 1880s.


document / Heads of Bill for Improving the Reclamation and Improvement of Land in Ireland and for the Resettlement of the Population of Certain Districts

Heads of Bill for Improving the Reclamation and Improvement of Land in Ireland and for the Resettlement of the Population of Certain Districts. In the handwriting of Charles Stewart Parnell. Manuscript, rough draft of Bill, 1880s.


match box / Land League

Match box, 'The Land League Match'. Commemorating Charles Stewart Parnell and the Land League, by Patterson & Co., Dublin and Belfast, about 1885. Printed wrapper in red, blue and black showing: 1) Portrait of Charles Stewart Parnell with side whiskers. Above THE LAND LEAGUE below MATCH. 2) Scene...


match / Land League

Thirty five matches, from 'The Land League Match'. Commemorating Charles Stewart Parnell and the Land League, by Patterson & Co., Dublin and Belfast, about 1885. Printed wrapper in red, blue and black showing: 1) Portrait of Charles Stewart Parnell with side whiskers. Above THE LAND LEAGUE below...


letter / Irish National League, 1891

Letter written by Charles Stewart Parnell to the High Sheriff of Dublin, 31 January 1891, from the office of the Irish National League, 43 O'Connell Street Upper, Dublin.


letter / Thomas Higgins, Galway, 1903

Michael Davitt, hologram letter. To Thomas Higgins of Tuam, Co. Galway, 1903. From Dalkey, Feb. 28, 1903. Signed Michael Davitt. The Land Converence Report and the encouragement of "intelligent discussion" of it. Davitt discourages anything which will weaken popular support for the Irish Party....


political cartoon / Gladstone's Land Act A Failure, 1883

Land League Cartoon. Depicting the efforts of William Gladstone, the British Minister, to defeat the Land League and it's leader Michael Davitt. Depicts two gravediggers, with picks and shovels reading 'Land Bill' and 'Coercion', at a tombstone engraved 'Here lies the remains of the Irish Land...


membership card / Irish National League of Great Britain, 1884

Irish National League of Great Britain Membership Card. Dated 3 February 1884, made out in favor of John Jennings of the Oldham Branch.


membership card / Irish National Land League, 1886

Membership card of the Irish National Land League. Made out in favor of Mr. John Byrne of the Ballymore Branch on 14th February 1886, and signed by Thomas Byrne.


membership card / Irish National Land League, 1886

Membership card of the Irish National Land League. Made out in favor of Mr. James Byrne of the Ballymore Branch on 14th Feb. 1886 and signed by Thomas Byrne.


resource / Irish National Land League

Irish National Land League. Xeroxprint of membership card.


resource / Irish National Land League

Irish National Land League. Xeroxprint of membership card.


match box cover / Land League

The Land League match box cover, paper, c.1880. Match box (partial) showing a scene depicting an encounter between a landlord and a tenant. These were made by Paterson & Co. Ltd. Dublin and Belfast about 1880.


resource / Land League membership card

Land League membership card. Illustrated article from the Donegal People's Press 5.11.1976.


resource / Michael Davitt

Michael Davitt. Account of lecture by T.W. Moody on ex Connaught Telegraph 5.1.1977.