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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 21 to 40 of 171

Showing results from Land Movement

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resource / Michael Davitt

Michael Davitt. Article re ex Western Journal, 17.6.1977.


resource / Land League Cottage Restored

Land League Cottage Restored. Article re project at Windgap ex Nationalist (Clonmel, 28.X.1978).


resource / Davitt, banner

Michael Davitt Banner. Illustration of one painted by Brett of Castlebar in 1912 ex Western People, 11.8.1979.


resource / Michael Davitt

Michael Davitt. Special tabloid supplement for centenary issued by Western Journal on 3.8.1979.


resource / Michael Davitt

Michael Davitt, Knock Shrine, and New York Mayo Mens' Association centenary issue of Western People, 11.8.1979.


resource / Land League

Land League. Article re based on recollections of T. Egan ex Tribune, 1.9.1979.


resource / Davitt and Land League

Davitt and Land League. Editorial re ex Nationalist (Carlow) 19.1.1979.


resource / Land League House, Windgap

Land League House Windgap. Photocopy of OKS youth project completed by pupils of Windgap NS in 1981.


cross /

Wooden crucifix, top of shaft missing. With figure of Christ in brass.


membership card / Irish National Land League, 1880s

Membership card of the Irish National Land League, 1880s. Blank example. Green and orange in colour.


membership card / Children's Irish National Land League, 1881

Children's Irish National Land League card. Prussia Street Branch (Dublin), dated 4th December 1881. Made out to Thomas Hewson. Signed by C. Archer. One of a set of 5 Nationalist Membership Cards c.1880.


membership card / Ladies Irish National Land League, c.1880s

Ladies Irish National Land League. Collection card, with six signatures, from the Prussia Street and Cabra Road (Dublin) area - Joseph John Breen, Thomas Casey, Roger Barry, Charles Archer, Francis Casey, William McGuinness. Authorised collector is Mr Joseph Early of Arran Quay. Signed by Anna...


ticket / National Land League Convention, 1881

Admission ticket to the National Land League Convention, 1881. Made out to Miss Margaret Walsh Part of a set of papers relating the Irish Land League.


print / Land League

A small print, with a poem laid out alphbetically on the topic of the Land League. Part of a set of papers relating the Irish Land League.


letter / Charles Stewart Parnell

Letter written by Charles Stewart Parnell, 4th March, 1881, from the House of Commons, London. Re authorisation of an agent for the Land League in Australia. (Copy)


death certificate / Katherine Parnell, 1921

Death certificate (copy from registrar) of Katherine Parnell, 1921


death certificate / William Henry O'Shea, 1905

Death certificate (copy from registrar) of William Henry O'Shea, 1905, Army Captain and ex-husband of Kitty O'Shea. (Katherine Parnell).


card / Irish National Land League, 1880

Membership card of the Irish National Land League. Made out in the name of Edward O'Toole, from the Rathville Branch, 21st November 1880. Signed by Secretary Michael P. Maher.


photograph / Michael Davitt

Photograph of Michael Davitt, by Lawrence, Dublin. HH:1937.156.1.1-41. Pictures of Irish Historical and Modern Irish-American interest. HH:1937.156.1.16 - Photograph of Michael Davitt, by Lawrence, Dublin.


letter / United Irish League, 1899

Letter of Michael Davitt, 1899. Covering letter addressed to a Mrs Meagher, referring to an enclosure of a cheque for 5 pounds sent by the Directory of the United Irish League as a contribution towards the repair of her hut. No enclosure. Ink. Two pages. Holograph signature of Michael Davitt. Size...