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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 21 to 40 of 81

Showing results from Frongoch Internment Camp

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prison art / Frongoch Camp, 1916

Prisoner in Frongoch Camp, 1916-17. Pencil sketch by Cathal MacDubhghaill. On paper 7.1" by 9.8", of head and shoulders of a man in a hat.


prison art / Frongoch Camp, 1916

Sentry in Frongoch Camp, 1916-17. Pencil sketch by Cathal MacDubhghaill. On paper 8"x 9". Uniformed man seated and dozing, dated 5 November 1916.


prison art / Frongoch Camp, 1916

Prisoner and Warder in Frongoch Camp, 1916-17. Pencil sketches by Cathal MacDubhghaill. On paper 11" by 7.5". Head and shoulders of bareheaded man on one side. On the other three sketches of warder with peaked cap and moustache.


prison autograph album / Frongoch, 1916

Autograph album kept in Frongoch Internment Camp in 1916. Includes entries from Brian Ó hUiginn, M.J. O'Connor, J.J. Scollan, Domhnall Ó Buachalla, Michael Mac Stáin, Garry Holohan, Sean McLoughlin, Eamonn T. Dore, Proinsias Ó Fathaigh, Seamus Ua Tallamhain, Garróid Ó Beoláin, Oscar Traynor etc.


prison art / Frongoch Camp, 1916

Frongoch Camp, water colour by Cathal MacDubhghaill showing a building with a tall chimney, a sentry and many prisoners. 1916 - 1917


prison art / Frongoch Camp, 1916

Frongoch Camp, water colour painting by Cathal MacDubhghaill showing a sentry post, guarded by an armed soldier. Scene cloaked in mist. 1916-1917.


prison art / Frongoch Camp, 1916

Watercolour of a building in Frongoch Internment Camp, painted by Cathal MacDubhghaill while a prisoner there, 1916. Showing prisoners and their trestle beds in the camp.


prison art / Frongoch, 1916

Frongoch prisoner's craft work. Macrame work bag made by Domhnall Ua Buachalla when he was interned in Frongoch, 1916.


prison art / Frongoch, 1916

Frongoch Prisoner's Work. Macramé bag made by Domhnall Ua Buachalla while a prisoner in Frongoch, 1916


crios / Frongoch, 1916

Frongoch Prisoner's Work. Macrame crios or belt made by Domhnall Ua Buachalla in Frongoch Internment Camp, 1916. With bone centrepiece with 'Frongoch' carved. With three bells.


letter / Frongoch Camp, 1916

Frongoch letter, dated 21 December 1916, from Henry Kenny in Hut 17, to his cousin Hubert with sketch of tricolour at top, with 'A Merry Xmas to All from Frongoch'.


prison autograph album / Flood, Frongoch, 1916

Autograph album, Frongoch, 1916. Kept by Sean Flood and including entries by Oscar Traynor, Stephen Jordan, Eamonn Dore, F. de Burca, William O'Brien (DTC), Joe McGrath, including a reference to the Frongoch Police.


internment order / George Lyons, Frongoch, 1916

Frongoch internment order, 1916, served on George Lyons. Later mounted on cloth and entitled 'Certifcate of Patriotism'.


prison art / Harry Kenny, Frongoch, 1916

Portrait of donor, Harry Kenny, by Tom Kane done in North Camp, Frongoch, 1916. Painting.


prison autograph album / Frongoch, 1916

Auotgraph book with drawings and autographs, compiled in Frongoch by Mr. Míchael Ó Ceallaigh after the rising of 1916. With black cover.


prison art / Frongoch, 1916

Sketch book, drawings, compiled by the late Michael O'Ceallaigh while a prisoner of war at Frongoch etc., after the Rising of Easter Week. With red cover.


internment order / Frongoch, 1916

Frongoch internment order, for prisoner Daniel Canny, 70 North Strand Road, Dublin. 1916.


prison art / Frongoch, 1916

Indian ink drawing of gateway in Frongoch prison, done by G. Purcell. Purcell, a prisoner, gave it to John Lyons in 1916, Lyons gave it to donor". "Seamas O Liatain (?) no.1141 Frongach, 1916" inscribed bottom left. Inscribed on back "from Mr.Lyons, Dublin, Sunday, August 5th, 1917".


poem / Frongach, 1916

Poem,"A Matair, Eire", in English, by W.J. Brennan Whitmore, Frongach, 1916. Handwritten.