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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 61 to 80 of 81

Showing results from Frongoch Internment Camp

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prison art / Frongoch, 1916

Prison craftwork, Frongoch. Macramé bag made by Peter Coates, Irish Citizen Army, Dublin. Cream in colour.


prison art / Frongoch, 1916

Frongoch prisoner's work. Cross carved from a meat bone by Thomas O'Donohoe of the Irish Cirizen Army, Dublin, when a prisoner of war at Frongoch 1916. Stand made by him at a later date.


internment order / Patrick J. Doyle, Frongoch, 1916

Internment order, served on the lender Dr Patrick J. Doyle while a prisoner in Knutsford Prison prior to his removal to Frongoch, 1916.


internment order / Patrick Fleming, 1916

Internment order, for the internment of Patrick Fleming, number 181146, of Clarenbridge, Co. Galway, in Frongoch, 1916. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph Fleming, Irish Volunteers of Clarenbridge,...


pipe bowl / German, Frongoch, 1916

Pipe bowl of turned wood, diam. 1.4", height 2.8". Used by a German prisoner in Frongoch Prison Camp prior to occupation by Irish prisoners. Found by Patrick Ronan in 1916 and taken away by him.


souvenir / Frongoch, 1916

Rugby football used by the prisoners to play Gaelic football in Frongoch, 1916. Brought out of the camp on their release in December 1916. It originally bore the inscription "1916 Frongoch", marks remain where this was defaced by some ladies in whose possession it was during the War of...


prison art / In Memory or Capt. Séan Connolly Killed 1916

Memento or memorial of Séan Connolly carved in bone in Frongoch 1916. 14 inches high, carved in the shape of an openwork monstrance with the legend IN MEMORY/OF/CAPT. SÉAN/CONNOLLY/KILLED 1916 cut into the stand. In the centre an abstract depiction of the Trinity, around in the openwork a crown of...


coat / Dómhnall Ó Buachalla, 1916

Jacket belonging to Dómhnall Ó Buachalla. Irish made. Worn by Ó Buachalla during Easter Week and while interned in Frongoch afterwards, 1916. With a bullet hole through the left shoulder, front and back, received at the end of Easter Week in the Drumcondra area.


notice / Patrick O'Hanlon, Frongoch Camp, 1916

Frongoch Detention Notice, 1916. Intent to intern Patrick O'Hanlon of 31 Upper Wellington Street, Dublin, since "he is of hostile associations" and a member of the Irish Volunteers. Quarto duplicated sheet with name, address and file numbers typed in - 12570 and 316702.


poster / Frongoch, 1916

Poster from prisoner of war camp, Frongoch, Wales. Printed sheet, c.22 inches by 17.5 inches headed "Post Verordnungen / Lager fuer Kriegsgefangene / Frongoch". In German. No date, c. 1916


pamphlet / Prisoners of War

Printed pamphlet. Joseph M. Byrne. - 'Prisoners of War'. Dublin, The Art Depot, 1917. 59 pages. Irish prisoners in Frongoch and Wakefield.


photograph / Fleming Family

Photographic portrait of Michael Fleming in his uniform, including the Sam Browne belt and prison cap, numbered 214. Copy by Keogh Brothers Ltd of 124 St. Stephen's Green and 75 Lower Dorset Street, Dublin. In frame. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father...


seal / Fleming Family

Seal of stamp matrix, one of a pair, with wooden handle and brass matrix, with 'I.R.' for Irish Republic. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph Fleming, Irish Volunteers of Clarenbridge, Oranmore, Co....


seal / Fleming Family

Seal or stamp matrix, one of a pair, with wooden handle and brass matrix, with 'I.R.' for Irish Republic. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph Fleming, Irish Volunteers of Clarenbridge, Oranmore, Co....


prison number / Michael Fleming, 1916

Disc, yellow felt with a leather strap, with prison number F2 20. One of a pair with F4 13. Numbered on both sides. This prison disc belonged to Michael Fleming. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph...


prison number / Fleming Family, 1916

Disc, yellow felt with a leather strap, with prison number F4 13. One of a pair with F2 20. Numbered on both sides. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph Fleming, Irish Volunteers of Clarenbridge,...


autograph book / Michael Fleming, Galway, 1916

Copy of the Irish Catholic Prayer Book, in Irish and English, used by Michael Fleming, prison number q214, as an autograph book for fellow prisoners in Dartmoor, Lewes and Pentonville, 1916 to 1917. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his...


prison cap / Michael Fleming, Galway, 1916

Prison cap, number q214, which belonged to Michael Fleming, worn by him in Lewes Prison. Michael Fleming was interned in Lewes, Dartmoor, Pentonville and Frongoch Internment Camp, 1916 to 1917. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons...


souvenir / Frongoch, 1916

Copy book written by a German prisoner of war in Frongoch Prison Camp, 1916. The camp was occupied by Germans previous to arrival of Irish prisoners. Mostly headlines and single words; some addresses. Picked up by Patrick Ronan in Frongoch, 1916.


cap / Sean Duffy, Irish Volunteer

Seán M. Ua Dubhthaigh's (O'Duffy) Irish Volunteer uniform comprising peaked cap, pants and fully buttoned tunic. Worn by donor St. Patrick's Day 1916, during Easter Rising, in Staffordshire, Frongoch, at Thomas Ashe's funeral, and by donor at the 1941 and 1916 commemorative functions.