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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Tipperary, Co. Tipperary, Ireland


reproduction / Tipperary Station, 1848

Photographic reproduction of a pencil drawing of Tipperary Station, Waterford and Limerick Railway, by James K. Fahie, 15 June 1848.


resource / D. Cantwell, Tipperary, 1922

Photocopy of a pass issued to D. Cantwell, to drive puch bicycle from Cashel to ?, signed M. Scallen(?). I.R.A. H.Q. 2 Battalion, 3rd Tipperary Brigade, 18 July 1922.


political cartoon / Tipperary Greeting the Chief, 1891

Political Cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 2 May 1891. Titled 'Tipperary Greeting the Chief'. Depicts Charles Stewart Parnell being greeted in Clonmel, 26 April 1891. 'My Soul, I never doubted you, said Rory of the Hill'. By J.D. Reigh.


political cartoon / The Tipperary Grip, 1890

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 1 February 1890. Titled 'The Tipperary Grip, or Smith Cro-Barry and the Bar'. Figure of a man - Smith 'Cro-Barry' in the grip of a bear wearing a sash reading 'Tipperary'. At his feet lies a cro-bar and writs, orders and summons pertaining to...


autograph album / Harepark, 1924 - 1925

Prison autograph book, containing autographs of various republican prisoners in Hare Park Internment Camp, 1924 - 1925. belonging to Nicholas Moroney of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade. In red leather; stamped on front cover with "Autographs" and "M" in gold. Date in front "19.1.'24".


resource / New Tipperary

'New Tipperary'. Article re building of during Plan of Campaign ex Tipperary Star, 7 October, 1978.