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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 41 to 53 of 53

Showing results from World War II


recruiting poster / Norah Pellew, MTC, WWII

One small A4 size recruiting poster for the Mechanised Transport Corps, depicting a drawing of a uniformed lady leaning against a car. Of Ensign/Driver Norah Pellew (MTC/ENSA) born near Oldcastle Co Meath, 1895. Member of the Motor Transport Corps, British Army, World War II.


pamphlet / Anti-Gas Protection of Babies and Young Children, 1939

Pamphlet, Anti-Gas Protection of Babies and Young Children. 8 pp. pamphlet published by Her Majesty's Stationary Office in July, 1939. Used by Irish Army.


photograph / Captain Doyle, 1941

Small photograph of Captain Joseph F. Doyle, R.A., 1941, showing him in uniform at Kildare Barracks.


letter / Burrows Sisters, Nursing Service, WWI

Letter in envelope, from London, 10 May 1945, sent to Miss Lucas Clements at Rathkenny, Coatehill, Co. Cavan. Addressed to Darling Mummy, from 'E'. Discussing V.E. Day, and locations of family members. Part of a collection relating to the Burrowes Sisters of Co. Cavan, Anna and Rosamund, nurses...


Address / Why Ireland Was Neutral, 1945

Copy of 'Mr de Valera's Reply to Mr. Churchill / Why Ireland Was Neutral'. 1945. Photographic copy.


Address / Taoiseach's Broadcast to the Nation on the Conclusion of the War in Europe, 1945

Copy of the Taoiseach's Broadcast to the Nation on the Conclusion of the War in Europe. Delivered Wednesday 16th May 1945.


leaflet / George Bernard Shaw Appeals to the I.R.A. / Friendship with Britain, 1940

Copy of a four page leaflet, 'George Bernard Shaw Appeals to the I.R.A. / Friendship with Britain.' Dated 25th July 1940. A response by 'the Government of the Republic / P. Fleming' to Shaw's writing questioning the idea of Irish neutrality during World War II, and stating that British protection...


blast door / Beehive, WW II

Bomb / Air Raid Shelter, or beehive. 1939 (World War II). Beehive type air raid shelter, 1939. Concrete. Found in situ behind Cobh Customs House, Co. Cork. Door to the front, escape hatch to the back. The separate blast wall belongs in front of the door. One metal chain hangs from the inside wall....


booklet / Defence against Gas, 1927

Defence against Gas, 1927, Provisional. 64 pp. booklet published by English War Office. Used by Irish Army c.1939.


card / Bridget White, 1946

Ration card for Flour & Bread, 1946. Belonged to Miss Bridget White of 100 Lower Dorset Street, Dublin. Used. Name of Retailer is Farm at Way 69 Upper Dorset Street. Filled in and marked each day from 18th January to 14th June. Post-Emergency Period.


ration card / Bridget White, 1948

Ration card for Monument Creameries Butter, card no. 1364. For the year 1948. Filled in from January to May 1948. Belonged to Miss Bridget White of 100 Lower Dorset Street., Dublin.


ration book / Bridget White, 1941

Ration book (fuel) of Miss Bridget White of 100 Lower Dorset Street, Dublin. Unused. Serial number 80711. Dated 1941. Miss Bridget White was the aunt of the donor.


painting / Collins Barracks, Emergency period

Oil on board painting of Collins Barracks, rear, depicting walls of turf. Dated 4 November 1944, by C. Saurin