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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Co. Waterford


engraving / Reverend Doctor Marley

Engraving, Reverend Doctor Marley, L.L.D., Bishop of Waterford. Engraved by J. Heath from an original painting by Hamilton, in the possession of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan. HH:1937.34.1.2-28. Engravings of historic interest, mounted on large sheets. Reverend Doctor Marley.


order / I.R.A. Intelligence, 1921

Order to compile a list of men of military age (18-40) in G. Coy. who are not already members of the I.R.A. One of three documents relating to I.R.A. intelligence activities in Waterford, 1921.


order / I.R.A. Intelligence, 1921

Handwritten letter asking G.Coy. officers to look out for four men; Michael Power, Paddy Power, Michael Bishop and Martin Cullinane, and ordering their arrest for robberies in the 5th Batt. area, or if sighted to put them under surveillance and report to I / O / Batt. D. Coy. Area. One of three...


order / I.R.A. Intelligence, 1921

Envelope addressed to Police Officer, G. Coy., marked "very urgent". Part of a set of three documents relating to I.R.A. intelligence activities in Waterford, 1921.