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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Eviction, Ireland


political cartoon / The Most Noble, 1887

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 17 December 1887. Titled 'The Most Noble'. Depicting the Marquis of Clanricarde (titled the Marquis of Clanrackrent) with his Counsel in the courtroom - 'Gentlemen of the Jury, I put it to you, is my client as black as he is painted? Jury -...


political cartoon / Irish Tenants' Defence association - Wexford Convention, 1889

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland', 16 November 1889. Titled 'Irish Tenants' Defence association - Wexford Convention, November 11 1889'. Refencing the 1798 Rebellion in Wexford, Edmond Ryan and his Shilmaliers at Arklow, Father Murphy at Vinegar Hill, and Wexford in 1889 -...


illustration / How Long O Lord

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 18 February 1888. Titled 'How Long O Lord'. An old man 80 years of age, named Bartley Geary, residing at Kilkerrin, Connemara, was evicted from his dwelling house, under the New Land Act, on Thursday last, by order of the magistrates. He crept...


political cartoon / Giving the Evictors a Free Hand, 1890

Political cartoon, from the newspaper United Ireland, 24 May 1890. Titled 'Giving the Evictors a Free Hand'. Clanricarde to Balfour: 'What the deuce do you mean by appearing in such ridiculous costume? Is it to disturb me in 'the exercise of my legal rights'?' By J. D. Reigh. HH:1944.224.1-10....


political cartoon / St. Patrick's Day, 1882

Political Cartoon, supplement to the Weekly Freeman, 18 March 1882. Titled 'St. Patrick's Day, 1882' - On his anniversary St. Patrick re-visits his well-beloved island, and finds that he has to do his work all over again.


resource / Bodyke Evictions

Bodyke Evictions. Co. Clare, 1887. Article re ex Clare Champion, 15.9.1978.


/ A Thorough Agitator, 1889

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 23 November 1889. Titled 'A Thorough Agitator'. 'Evicted Farm - Prize Bull Boycott in Posession until Rightful Owner Restored'. By J.D. Reigh.


resource / Clanricarde Evictions, 1887

Clanricarde Evictions, 1887. Article re ex Connacht Tribune, 12.12.1980.


resource / Aughamore Tenants and the Plan of Campaign

Aughamore Tenants and the Plan of Campaign. Article ex Western People, 10.6.1978.


resource / Ballinlass Evictions, 1846

Ballinlass Evictions, 13 March 1846. Article re ex Connacht Tribune, 19.12.1980.