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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from 1916 Rising, Combatant death


death certificate / Sean Connolly, 1916

Contemporary copy of death certificate of Sean Connolly. Head 'Mountjoy Prison 15.5.16' and signed K. Lynn F.R.C.S.I. 9 Belgrave Road, Rathmines. On pencil on back 'Mrs. O'Reilly, 12 Lr. Gardiner St.' and 'Mrs. O'Reilly 107 Belgr.' (rest indecipherable).


death certificate / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Death certificate of Charles D'Arcy (Darcy). Certified cause of death recorded as 'Gun shot wound no medical attendant'. Other details state he was the son of a labourer, his mother was Elizabeth D'Arcy, and the place of his death as brought into the Castle grounds. The certificate is dated 10...


letter / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Charles D'Arcy (Darcy) . Department of Defence letter, dated 29 August 1941, to his mother Elizabeth. Asks if she was nearest surviving relative in connection with posthumous award of service medal.


letter / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Department of Defence letter of 1st September 1923, concerning the application of Charles D'Arcy's (Darcy) mother Elizabeth for the pension. The letter states that her case will be put before the Pensions Board once it is established, and asks for the particulars of the circumstances of her son's...


letter / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Draft reply of Elizabeth D'Arcy (Darcy) to the Dept. of Defence's request for the particulars of the death of her son, Charles D'Arcy, to support her application for the pension. Gives particulars of Charles D'Arcy's service and death as; Charles was under the command of Sean Connolly in the City...


letter / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Department of Defence letter of 12th September 1923. Advising that the application of Charles D'Arcy's (Darcy) mother would be placed before the Pensions Board. Signed A. Rasdale


letter / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Department of Defence Pension Form of 13th May 1924, advising Charles D'Arcy's (Darcy) mother Elizabeth of the award of a gratuity of £150 in one sum to her.


pocket watch / Thomas Weafer, 1916

Watch which belonged to Captain Thomas J. Weafer, E.Coy. 2nd Battalion, Dublin Brigade. Found in the Hibernian Bank on the corner of O'Connell Street and Abbey Street with some human bones, presumably those of Captain Weafer, after the fires which destroyed the building burned out.


photograph / Tommy Cremins

Photograph of Tommy Cremins, an Irish Volunteer who died in the charge to Moore Lane with The O'Rahilly on Friday 28 April 1916.


photograph / George Geohegan

Portrait photograph of George Geohegan, of the Irish Citizen Army, who was killed in action at City Hall, 1916. Half-length photograph, showing him in the uniform of St. James' Brass and Reed Band, of which he was a member. He was an ex-Dublin Fusilier and had fought in the South African War...


hat / Andrew Byrne, Boland's Mills, 1916

Hat said to have been worn at the time of his death by Andrew Joseph Byrne, killed in Boland's Mills, 1916. Green felt hat, much faded and with a hole in brim. Probably originally dark grey-green. A version of an Irish Volunteer hat, with detailing missing, with a dark mark around where the band...


sword / O'Rahilly, Moore Street, 1916

The Sword of O'Rahilly. Picked up on Moore Street by Archie Short. With note reading 'This blade was picked up in Moore Lane by Archie Shortis who identified the body of his brother Paddy, who was killed in action with The O'Rahilly. Archie Shortis believed it was The O'Rahilly’s sword. He gave it...


1916 Medal / Charles D'Arcy

Charles D'Arcy's (Darcy) 1916 Service Medal. In presentation case, the recipient's name and '22' engraved on reverse, with compliments card. Charles was a member of the Irish Citizen Army and was killed on Tuesday 25 April at City Hall, aged 15. Given to the National Museum by 15 year old Charles'...


card / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Memoriam card of Charles D'Arcy (Darcy) of 4 Murphy's Cottages, Dublin. 'Killed in action Easter Week 1916, aged 15 years'. Charles was a member of the Irish Citizen Army and was killed on Tuesday 25 April at City Hall. Given to the National Museum by 15 year old Charles' mother, Elizabeth Darcy.


reference / Charles D'Arcy, 1916

Reference for Charles D'Arcy (Darcy), Irish Citizen Army member killed on Tuesday 25 April 1916 in the attack on City Hall, aged 15. Reference dated 27 May 1914 from an A. Scully, the Head Master of the Pro-Cathedral Schools, Lower Rutland Street. ...


hat / Francis Macken, 1916

The bullet pierced green hat worn by Francis Macken as Lieutenent of E. Company, 4th Battalion, Dublin Brigade, in the General Post Office, 1916. Francis Macken was one of the advance guard who left the building with The O'Rahilly and their two bodies were found together. The dried mud on the hat...