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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from 1916 Rising, Execution

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last letter / Kilmainham, May 1916

Last letter, written by Con Colbert just before his execution and dated 7 May, 1916. To John Daly. One page. Covering letter from British Commandant (of Kilmainham Detention Barracks, no date).


letter / Madge Daly, 3 May 1916

Letter from Major W.J. Lennon, the British Commandant at Kilmainham Jail to Madge Daly, the sister of Commandant Ned Daly, giving permission for a visit to her brother, 3 May 1916. The notes in the lower portion of the letter were written by Madge Daly.


letter / Madge Daly, 1916

Letter from Major W.J. Lennon, the British Commandant of Detention Barracks, Kilmainham to Madge Daly, the sister of Ned Daly, refusing to return the bodies of Thomas Clarke and Commandant Ned Daly to the family for burial. Dated 4 May 1916. One page.


playing card / Thomas MacDonagh, Kilmainham, 1916

A pack of playing cards found in the cell of Thomas MacDonagh the day after his execution, Kilmainham, 3 May 1916. Given some time after 1916 to Very Rev. D.A. Crotty, C.S.A. by a nun who was a sister of Thomas McDonagh. Fr. Crotty in turn, gave the cards to his sister, Mrs. J. Norton, mother of...


last letter / Alderman Tom Kelly, 7 May 1916

Letter, handwritten, from Éamonn Ceannt to Alderman Tom Kelly, written at Kilmainham Gaol, May 7, 1916 on the eve of his execution at 5:30 p.m. Signed Éamonn Ceannt. A last message. With a covering letter addressed to Alderman T. Kelly from Detention Barracks, Kilmainham, May 8, 1916, signed W.S....


key / Joseph Plunkett / Grace Gifford, 1916

Joseph Mary Plunkett's key of Larkfield House, Kimmage. Yale latch key, 2.1" in length. Embossed lettering on handle: "Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. Stamford.Conn.U.S.A./Yale". Number, punched on handle "19792", and punched on key, "Security". Attached by two links to brass disk, on which is punched:...


case / Joseph Plunkett, 1916

Spectacles and spectacles case of Joseph Plunkett. Given to Mrs Geraldine Dillon by Fr. Augustine O.F.M. who was given them by Joseph Plunkett just before his execution at Kilmainham Gaol, 4 May 1916. Elliptical, frameless, lenses with gold attachments, one of the ear pieces, with a small piece of...


letter / Grace Plunkett, 3 May 1916

Letter addressed to Grace Gifford Plunkett, 3 May 1916, from Major W.S. Lennon, the Commandant of Kilmainham, on embossed notepaper advising her that he was sending a car to collect her to meet Joseph that night, before his execution.


statement / Kilmainham Gaol, 3 May 1916

A manuscript copy of Thomas MacDonagh's last testament and letter, said to have been smuggled out of Kilmainham Gaol on the eve of MacDonagh's execution by a Mr Butler, a prisoner there at that time. Two pages, three written pages in total.


spectacle case / Thomas Clarke, 1916

Spectacle case, empty, of Thomas Clarke. Part of a collection of personal objects - a spectacle case, an indelible pencil and a book of stamps - returned by the British authorities to Mrs. Kathleen Clarke after the execution of her husband, Tom Clarke at Kilmainham, May 1916.


pencil / Thomas Clarke, 1916

Pencil of Thomas Clarke. Part of a collection of personal objects - a spectacle case, an indelible pencil and book of stamps - returned by the British authorities to Mrs. Kathleen Clarke after the execution of her husband, Tom Clarke.


stamp / Thomas Clarke, 1916

Booklet of postage stamps, of Thomas Clarke. Part of a collection of personal objects - a spectacle case, an indelible pencil and book of stamps - returned by the British authorities to Mrs. Kathleen Clarke after the execution of her husband, Tom Clarke.


last letter / Kilmainham, 7 May 1916

The last letter of Con Colbert to his sister Lila. Written from Kilmainham Gaol on the eve of his execution 7 May 1916. Colbert wrote a series of letters to family members, having chosen not to receive visits.


last letter / Kilmainham, 7 May 1916

The last letter of Con Colbert to his brother Jim. Written from Kilmainham on the eve of his execution May 7, 1916.


last letter / Kilmainham, 7 May 1916

The last letter of Con Colbert to his brother Mack. Written from Kilmainham Gaol on the eve of his execution May 7, 1916.


last letter / Kilmainham, 7 May 1916

The last letter of Con Colbert to his sister Gretta. Written from Kilmainham Gaol on the eve of his execution May 7, 1916.


prayer book / Con Colbert

Con Colbert's prayer book inscribed on the inside cover with 'To Dearest Cornelius with my love and very best wishes from ever your loving cousin Caitlin'. Dated 29 September 1915. Contains a memory card for Greta Colbert. Sent by Colbert to his sister, Lila, from Kilmainham Jail on the eve of his...


relic / William Pearse, 1916

A straight razor and case which belonged to William Pearse. It was left at Keogh’s Haircutting Rooms for sharpening at 30 Upper Camden Street shortly before Easter 1916 and never called for.


clip (arms equipment) / Executions, Kilmainham, 1916

Cases of bullets, in clip, which were used in the executions of the 1916 Leaders. Five empty cartridge cases stated to have been the actual cases from which the bullets were fired which cut short the lives of Patrick Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh and Thomas J. Clarke, the first three of the signatories...


death certificate / Patrick Pearse, 1916

Certificate of Death of Pádraig Mac Piarais (Patrick Pearse) which states the place (Detention Barracks, Kilmainham), cause (Shooting by order of Field General Court Martial) and date of death (3.5.1916) of the above. Certificate dated 2 June 1916. Pearse was executed as a leader of the 1916...