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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Mountjoy Jail


photograph / Frank Flood

Photograph of Frank Flood who was hanged, executed at Mountjoy Prison, 14th March 1921.


souvenir / Thomas Whelan, Mountjoy, 1921

Egg cup, the property of Thomas Whelan. Given by him on eve of execution to his fellow prisoner Michael J. O'Reilly. Mountjoy Prison, March 1921.


souvenir / Paddy Moran, Mountjoy, 1921

Cup, the property of Paddy Moran. Given by him on eve of his execution to his fellow prisoner - Michael J. O'Reilly. Mountjoy, 14 March 1921


postcard photograph / Thomas Bryan

Thomas Bryan, picture postcard. One of the six Volunteers executed by the British, March 14, 1921, at Mountjoy Prison. Photograph surrounded by crossed Irish tricolours, with a harp and Irish wolfhound underneath. 'Thomas Bryan, died for Ireland March 14th 1921'.


card / Sinn Féin, 1920

Sinn Féin christmas card, c.1920. With the legend "Nollaig/Wormwood Scrubs/Mountjoy/From Bondage/To Freedom" on front. Neo-Celtic style artwork, probably by Art Ó Murnaghan.


prison autograph album / Mountjoy Prison & Gormanstown Camp, 1922 / 1923

Autograph book of prisoners in Mountjoy Prison and Gormanstown Camp, 1922 and 1923. Bound in boards covered in imitation leather, pages inside, light green. c. 4.5" by 6".


prison autograph album / Mountjoy Jail, 1917

Autograph album, containing signatures of Irish Prisoners in Mountjoy Jail, 1917. c.6.25" x 3.75"


prison autograph album / Hunger Strike, Mountjoy & Dundalk, 1917

Autograph album, signed by the IRA members who were on hunger strike in Mountjoy and Dundalk jails, September to November, 1917.


booklet / In Maryboro' and Mountjoy

Booklet, 36 pg. 'In Maryboro and Mountjoy, the Prison Experience and Prison Breaking of an Irish Volunteer.' Commander of the 3rd Battalion of the Kilkenny Brigade. Probably authored by Fr Patrick Doyle. Printed by An t'Oglach.


photograph / Mrs Whelan, Mountjoy Executions

Photograph taken outside Mountjoy Pison, 13 March 1921. Shows Mrs. Whelan, mother of Thomas Whelan, and crowd of people. c.7.5 inches by 5.5 inches.


photograph / Thomas Bryan

Photograph of Thomas Bryan, who was executed in Mountjoy Prison in 1921, with his wife. Head and shoulders. 6.25 inches by 3.75 inches.


photograph / They Murder / The Innocent / In Vengeance, Mountjoy, 1921

Photograph of women outside Mountjoy Prison, 13 March 1921. The women are carrying a banner inscribed: "They Murder / The Innocent / In Vengeance".


photograph / The Mountjoy Heroes

Postcard photograph of 'The Mountjoy Heroes', Seated left to right are J.B. O'Driscoll, A. McCabe and M. Hegarty. Standing left to right are T. Toomey, C.P. Lucy and J. Gannon. Undated.


photograph / Thomas Whelan, 1921

Thomas Whelan (executed 1921) in prison yard. Walking between a Black and Tan and a warder. Photograph of c.5" by 3".


photograph / Mountjoy, Hunger Strike, 1920

(Cashman 49) Hunger Strike, 1920. Photograph of Republican sympathisers, including Madame Despard, outside Mountjoy Jail during the hunger strike of 1920.


prison spoon / Mountjoy, 1922

Metal spoon. Found with EWT.300, labeled 'Mementoes of Liam Mellows, Rory O'Connor, Joseph McKelvey and Richard Barrett', executed in Mountjoy, 1922.


newspaper cutting / George Fullerton

Newspaper obituary for George Fullerton, Irish Citizen Army, 1916, under Commdt. Mallin, interned in Frongach. Fought on Republican side in Civil War, 1922, in Hammond Hotel, Dublin, interned in Tintown and Mountjoy.


resource / Irish Civil War, 1923

Irish Civil War autograph album. Photocopy of entries by republican prisoners on release late in 1923 from Tintown, Newbridge, Gormanstown, Dundalk and Mountjoy.