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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Wormwood Scrubs Prison, London, England


prison art / Wormwood Scrubs, 1916

Table centre, crochet wool work, in the national colours of green, orange and white, made by James Morgan of Kilkeel, Co. Down, while a prisoner in Wormwood Scrubs or Wansdworth Prison. Morgan was a hunger striker there and Wandsworth 1916. Given by him to Miss Kelly of London.


prison autograph album / Wormwood Scrubs & St. Mary's Infirmary, 1920

Autograph album, of Sean Murphy. Containing signatures of prisoners in Wormwood Scrubs, and St. Mary's Infirmary, Highgate Hill, London. 1920.


internment order / James Kavanagh, Wormwood Scrubs, 1920

Typescript copy of internment order to H.M. Prison at Wormwood Scrubs of James Kavanagh of Londonderry. Original signed by French, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Dublin Castle, 10 April, 1920. 1 sheet.


reproduction / James Kavanagh, Wormwood Scrubs, 1920

Typescript copy of internment order to H.M. Prison at Wormwood Scrubs of James Kavanagh of Londonderry. Original signed by French, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Dublin Castle, 10 April, 1920. 1 sheet.


cartoon / British Chivalry, 1920

Postcard cartoon; Cartoon, titled 'British Chivalry', depicting John Bull character strangling a woman holding rosary beads, outside a prison - Wormwood Scrubs, England. By Art Cavanagh, 1920.


cartoon / British Chivalry, 1920

Postcard cartoon; Cartoon, titled 'British Chivalry', depicting John Bull character strangling a woman holding rosary beads, outside a prison - Wormwood Scrubs, England. By Art Cavanagh, 1920.


prison autograph album / Wormwood Scrubs Hunger Strikers, 1920

Autograph album, 1920, containing signatures of Wormwood Scrubs Hunger Strikers inter alios. Book was kept by Nurse R. Devonshire (sister of donor) at St. James Infirmary, Belham where the hunger strikers were treated.


letter / Wormwood Scrubs, 1916

Letter written to 'Uncle' in Wormwood Scrubs Prison, dated 23 June 1916. Written on standard issue printed prison letter sheet, with short details added by hand. Signed Mikeo Fleming, no 307. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons...


card / Sinn Féin, 1920

Sinn Féin christmas card, c.1920. With the legend "Nollaig/Wormwood Scrubs/Mountjoy/From Bondage/To Freedom" on front. Neo-Celtic style artwork, probably by Art Ó Murnaghan.