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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 13 results

Showing results from O'Connell Street (Dublin 1)


photograph / Dublin Street Scene, 1916

Dublin Street Scene 1916. 6.5 x 8.5 ins photograph showing crowd of men outside Munster and Leinster Bank and Cable Shoe Co. Ltd., (Sackville Street).


cricket bat / Elvery's, O'Connell Street, 1916 Rising

Cricket bat with a .303 bullet embedded in front section, shot while it was on display in the window of Elvery's shop premises in Sackville Street, Dublin, during the 1916 Rising combat. Inscribed in ink 'Easter Week 1916' beside bullet. Also 'From front window'.


photograph / Sackville Street, 1916

Postcard photograph. Sinn Fein Rebellion, 1916. Depicting the corner of Sackville Street, from the bridge, in ruins. Published by Valentie of Dublin, printed in Scotland.


photograph / Sackville Street, 1916

Postcard photograph. Sinn Fein Rebellion, 1916. Wrecked shops in Sackville Street, Dublin. Published by Valentie of Dublin, printed in Scotland.


photograph / Dublin Bread Company, Sackville Street

Postcard photograph. Sinn Fein Rebellion, 1916. D.B.C. (Dublin Bread Company), Sackville Street, Dublin. Before and after. Published by Valentine of Dublin, printed in Scotland.


photograph / O'Connell Street, 1921

(Cashman 123) War of Independence. Photograph of a British armoured car dispersing a crowd in O'Connell Street during a search in 1921.


photograph / O'Connell Street, 1920-1921

(Cashman 129) War of Independence. Photograph of an armoured car in O'Connell Street during the search for arms.


photograph / Funeral, Republican, November 1922

Republican funeral scene November 1922 showing about a dozen horse drawn hearses in procession along O'Connell Street. Full plate.


souvenir / 1916 Rising

A burned watch from the ruins of Messrs. Hopkins & Hopkins, Jewellers, on the corner of O'Connell Street and Eden Quay, 1916. the face of watch is missing. The case and mechanism are present but severely burned.


photograph / Hotel Metropole & G.P.O., 1916

Photograph of the ruins of the Hotel Metropole and the General Post Ofiice in 1916. Taken from street level looking north.


photograph / Upper O'Connell Street, 1916

Photograph of the destruction of buildings, including the Hibernian Bible Society, on Upper O'Connell Street after the 1916 Rising. By Independent Newspapers Ltd.


photograph / Hotel Metropole & G.P.O., 1916

Souvenir postcard photograph (one of two copies). Sinn Féin Rebellion 1916, the demolished Hotel Metropole and the General Post Office (G.P.O.), Dublin. Valentine's series printed in Scotland.


photograph / DBC Restaurant, O’Connell Street, 1916

Photograph of the ruins of DBC Restaurant, O’Connell Street, after Easter Week, 1916.