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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Reading Gaol


souvenir / Reading Gaol, 1916

Prison mug brought by Darrell Figgis from Reading Jail, 1916, as a souvenir. Ordinary type prisoner's mug. Pottery mug, with white glaze, circular base. Printed in black on one side on a band, 'Prison Commission', a broad arrow within this band. Painted black on the base. Stamped with a crown...


prison art / Reading, 1916

Cartoon, coloured, by Sean Milroy, 1916. Depicts man on a ladder throwing objects from a sack to other characters below. A sign reads 'Toast list - Our Host Sir John Maxwell, our Army and Navy, The Parliamentary Party, The Ladies'. Underneath drawing is 'Aug 25th 1916. Sean T. attains the 21st...


prison autograph album / Reading Jail, 1916

Autograph album kept by Darrell Figgis in Reading Jail in 1916, containing autographs of Dennis McCullough, Sean T. O'Kelly, Arthur Griffith et al.


prison art / The Casting Out of GBS, 1916

Cartoon by Seán Milroy in Reading Jail on 10 September 1916, depicting Britannia protecting a minute P. de Burca from GBS (George Bernard Shaw), whose books were censored from the prisoners in Reading. 'The Casting Out of GBS'.


envelope / The Out Post, Reading Jail, 1916

Cartoon by Sean Milroy entitled 'The Out Post Reading Jail 25.9.16' depicting 9 figures haunting a prisoner (Milroy?) in his cell. 8.5 x 6 ins. Mounted and glazed in frame 10.8 x 8 ins.


prison pottery / Reading Jail, 1916

Salt cellar from Reading Jail. 2.7" high x 2.9 ins. d. incl. lid. Brown leadless glaze pottery with PRISON COMMISSION stamped on outside of lid and the Crown over PC over O stamped inside the lid and on the bottom of the cellar. With lid. Probably 1916. '1493' handwritten on the base.


souvenir / Reading Jail, 1916

Fork brought from Reading Jail, 1916, as a souvenir. Metal, 7.5 inches in overall length, stamped with DON, L, S, BP and with the numbers 7 over 16.


prison mug / Reading Jail, 1916

Mug from Reading Jail, 1916 4.5 ins. high, without handle, waisted or with incurved sides and with raised rim of .5 ins. deep at top and bottom. Top diam. 4 ins. Bottom Diam. 4.7 ins. Stamped with the Broad Arrow within a band with the words PRISON COMMISSION around above. Stamped on bottom with...


sketch / Seamus Reader, Reading Gaol, 1916

Drawing by Seamus Milroy of Seamus Reader, done in Reading Gaol, 1916'. Coloured sketch of Seamus Reader in cowboy outfit, inscribed 'Not Bronco Billy here you see, but a Reading hard-chaw you'll agree, at a hullabuloo a romping leader, and the name he owns is Seamus Reader'. In envelope with...