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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 21 to 24 of 24

Showing results from Liberty Hall (Beresford Place)


flag / Liberty Hall, 1916 Rising

Remains of the flag from Liberty Hall, 1916. Charred remains of green flag with harp applied centrepiece. Taken by Colonel H. Carter, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, from Liberty Hall after the 1916 Rising. The Liberty Hall flag was raised on Easter Sunday by Molly O'Reilly, aged 15.


prison mug / Countess Markievicz

Mug (and spoon), Prison Commission, used by Countess Markievicz during her second imprisonment by the British (1918). They were subsequently given by her to the Irish Citizen Army Theatrical Class. The mug was damaged during the Black and Tan Raid on Liberty Hall.


pin badge / Big Bill Hayward / Jim Larkin

Big Bill Hayward, head and shoulders, also standing beside Jim Larkin. Two postcard photographs mounted together on piece of pink paper with legend 'Photographs of James Connolly and Larkin found by Gerald at Liberty Hall, Dublin ? Thursday ? Friday Easter Week 1916' written below. (This is an...


newspaper article / L'illustration, Dublin 1916

Newspaper cutting - "L'illustration", May 1916, full page with pictures of the aftermath of the Easter Rising in Dublin, the Four Courts, barricades, rebels, O'Connell Bridge, Liberty Hall and the G.P.O.