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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Dartmoor Prison


prison autograph album / John Mitchel's History of Ireland, Dartmoor Prison

Book from Dartmoor : John Mitchel's History of Ireland with autographs and details of about 50 of the Republican prisoners (each signing on the page approximating to their convict no.) including de Valera, MacNeill, Cosgrave, Colm O Gaora, Brian Molloy, Fionan Lynch, Peadar Clancy, Frank Fahy et al.


manuscript / Dartmoor Prison, 1916

Dartmoor Prison 1916, Irish prisoners complaints. Four pages, complied by Thomas Ashe with instructions for delivery to M.D. Foley or Thomas Kelly for transmission to L. Ginnell M.P.


convict cap / Harry Boland, Dartmoor, 1916

Convict cap worn by Harry Boland in Dartmoor Prison while imprisoned after the 1916 Rising. Khaki cap, black prison number-badge with prisoner number q/90 in white.


prayer card / Fleming Family

Prayer card, 'Act of Reparation for Blasphemy', belonging to Michael Fleming in Dartmoor Prison during his internment there after the 1916 Rising. Found within a copy of a prayer book, in Irish, 'Torsaidheacht air Lorg Chriosta', belonging to Michael Fleming, and containing a number of letters,...


postcard photograph / Fogarty, Dartmoor, 1916 - 1917

Postcard photograph, of Fogarty, Dartmoor Prison, in his prison cap numbered q189, 1916 to 1917. Published by T. King of Dublin. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph Fleming, Irish Volunteers of...


postcard photograph / Sean Reid,Dartmoor 1916 - 1917

Postcard photograph, of Jack Reid (Sean Reid), prisoner number q129, in his prison cap. Dartmoor Prison, 1916 to 1917. Sent by Reid to Michael Fleming. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph Fleming, Irish...


letter / John Ryan, Dartmoor Prison, 1877

Letter written by Michael Davitt from Dartmoor Prison to John Ryan, dated 23 November 1877. Two pages. Written on official prison paper. Framed. Asking John Ryan and Mr Harran to come and visit him.


envelope / Fleming Family

Envelope, on the back is written 'Stations Princetown & Belvertown'(?), with a listing of names; Warders Geraghty Slowman Chapman Newman Webb Robins Elliot Nash Birch Jackson Stone Gooding Gunning Gallop Illoff'. This appears to be partially copied from the prison notice (2004.23), the back of...


prison notice / Dartmoor and Lewes Prison Warders, 1916 - 1917

Prison notice, 'Dietary for Prisoners in Local Prisons. Prisoners sentenced to hard labour and offenders of the third division. Outlining meals for the week. On the back is written the names of prison warders from Dartmoor and Lewes Prisons 'Slowman, Chapman, Newman Webb Robins Elliot Nash Birch...